
Namaste Frontend System Design πŸš€ | Fundamentals, LLD, HLD & Interview Questions

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Namaste Frontend System Design will take you from Zero to Hero in the world of Frontend Systems. After watching this series, you will be able to design large Frontend Systems and will be able to crack FSD interviews.

During this journey, you will learn everything by watching high quality videos with practical learning experiences and examples.

The comprehensive curriculum is designed with the principle of `learn with real application examples`, so there will be a lot of knowledge heavy topics that you'll learn from. So only register if you are ready for a grind.

Namaste FSD course will help you with all the knowledge you need to design scalable Frontend web application and will also help you crack your next Frontend System Design Interview.

So what are you waiting for ?

Register Now. ✌️

What will you learn in `Namaste Frontend System Design` course? πŸš€
βœ… How web works?
βœ… Communication Protocols
βœ… Rest API
βœ… GraphQl
βœ… gRPC
βœ… Short Polling
βœ… Long Polling
βœ… Web Socket
βœ… Server Sent Event
βœ… Webhook
βœ… WebRTC
βœ… XSS
βœ… CSRF
βœ… IFrame Protection
βœ… Authentication
βœ… Authorization
βœ… Security Headers
βœ… Client-Storage Security
βœ… Dependency Security
βœ… Compliance
βœ… SSRF
βœ… SSJI
βœ… Feature Policy
βœ… Permissions Policy
βœ… CORS
βœ… Microfrontend
βœ… Asset Optimization
βœ… Network Optimization
βœ… Build Optimization
βœ… React Optimization
βœ… Javascript Optimization
βœ… Performance Monitoring
βœ… PWA
βœ… Service Worker
βœ… Unit Testing
βœ… E2E Testing
βœ… Telemetry
βœ… Alerting
βœ… HTTP Caching
βœ… In memory caching
βœ… State Management
βœ… LocalStorage
βœ… Session Storage
βœ… Cookie Storage
βœ… IndexedDB
βœ… Keyboard Accessibility
βœ… Screen Reader
βœ… Color Contrasts
βœ… Design Systems
βœ… Polyfills
βœ… Sanitization
βœ… Regulations
βœ… Webkit browser support
and so much more...

Basically, we will teach you everything we have learned over years of working in the software industry. ❀️

We be sharing our real industry experience of designing systems in companies like Paytm, Flipkart, Microsoft and Uber! πŸš€

We will teach you everything right from scratch to the advanced topics. You'll go from Zero to Hero in Frontend System Design 😎

Sounds cool, isn't it?

So what are you waiting for?

Join Now : https://namastedev.com/learn/namaste-frontend-system-design

Akshay Saini

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