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(25 Apr 1995) English/Nat

The F-B-I has issued a new sketch of the Oklahoma bombing suspect known as 'John Doe number 2'.

And in the U-S Congress senators have pledged to push through harder anti-terrorism measures.

The F-B-I has been drawing up a better, more detailed sketch of the still missing second Oklahoma bombing suspect.

The F-B-I issued the new picture on Tuesday, showing a bushy-haired man wearing a baseball cap.

According to anonymous sources, the sketch was based on new interviews with witnesses who saw two men rent the Ryder truck that was used in the bombing.

The sketch showed the man, dubbed "John Doe No. 2," wearing a cap with two stripes across it that come together in the middle.

Meanwhile Michigan investigators have charged Michigan farmer James Nichols and his brother Terry with conspiring with Oklahoma bombing suspect Timothy McVeigh to make explosive devices in Michigan during 1993 to 1994.

U-S Attorney Saul Green said the Michigan charges related only to bomb-making activities in that state, not to the Oklahoma bombing.

The charge was based upon the evidence that was found at the
Nichols farm that explosive devices had been prepared, based on statements given by Nichols to the FBI, they corroborated that and based on information that we have received from witnesses that would corroborate what James Nichol's intent was with regard to those devices.
SUPER CAPTION: US Attorney Saul Green.

According to Green the explosives were bottle bombs and smaller explosive devices. An affidavit said agents found 28 50-pound bags of ammonium nitrate fertilizer on James Nichols' farm and a 55-gallon
drum of fuel oil.

The F-B-I has said similar substances were used to make the Oklahoma City bomb.

And in the U-S Congress President Bill Clinton's call for new anti-terrorism legislation was backed on Tuesday by all parties.

Congressman Tom Daschle supported the call for the death penalty for those convicted.
Terrorists must know that no matter who they are, domestic or foreign, there is no place to hide from the reach of our law, the President has made it clear that those who committed this act will be pursued, found, convicted and punished to the full extent of the law.
SUPER CAPTION:Tom Daschle, Democrat and Minority Leader, South Dakota

In a 97-0 vote, the Senate passed a resolution condemning the bombing sponsored by Oklahoma's two Republican senators, Don Nickles and James Inhofe, along with Senate leaders and dozens of colleagues.

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