
Coconut shell violin music player | magic babu | Mysore palace | dont miss | mysore | mysore palace

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The Music
Learning music is a great way to develop a fun and relaxing hobby that also stimulates your mind. Whether you’re interested in learning music theory or playing an instrument, music is actually easier to learn than you might think! Once you’ve mastered the basics, all you have to do is practice a little bit of the more complicated stuff every day, until you’ve eventually gotten a pretty good handle of your instrument or music theory!
Study the musical alphabet. The musical alphabet is made up of only 7 letters (A, B, C, D, E, F, and G), but it’s the basic language that musicians use to write and talk about musical notes. Between these 7 notes there are also 5 other notes that are either sharp or flat. Sharp notes are 1 note higher in pitch than the regular letter that it uses, while flat notes are 1 note lower in pitch.[1]
For example, the A-sharp note is slightly higher in pitch than a regular A note.
These notes are always in alphabetical order, going from A to G, on any instrument. When you go past the G note, the next note is just another A note and the entire order is repeated.
If you play a musical instrument like piano, you can map this alphabet out on your instrument. For instance, memorize where the “C” note is played on the piano and then you’ll also know where C-flat, C-sharp, B, D, A, E, and F are on the opposite sides of the C key.
Get to know the basic elements of reading sheet music. Sheet music is written on a set of horizontal, parallel lines called the staff. Other small figures and lines are written on or around the staff to indicate things like which notes are played, how long each note is played for, and what rhythm the music should be played in.[2]
Clefs are various shapes written at the very beginning of a music staff, which tell you what pitches are on what line or space of the staff. The treble clef looks sort of like an ampersand, while the bass clef looks like a backwards C with 2 dots on top of it.
The key signature appears next to the clef and is composed of 1 or several # (sharp) or b (flat) symbols on individual lines of the staff. These symbols indicate that all notes played on that line should either be played either sharp or flat.
Simple Music Instrument Using Coconut Shell and Bamboo Stick
This is a simple stringed instrument which is easy to build and fun to play. More over built mostly from waste materials.
Recently I had been to near by Village and my view locked on couple of kids who were playing with these home-made instrument, Dancing for their custom made tunes. This influenced me to build my own instrument back at home. After all just a used coconut shell and bamboo stick, Isn't It? Oh and just 30 mins of your weekend...

Coconut Shell
Bamboo stick ( length = 14 inch, width = 3/4 inch )
Fishing line ( I used 0.35mm line here, length= around 60 inch )


Drill Machine ( or any other tool to make large holes in the coconut shell )
Sand Paper (optional )
Cutting Blade


Gather the require materials, Using sand paper make the surface of coconut shell smoother. and drill a hole in the shell using Driller ( you can also use nail and hammer to cut a hole ). Here i have used driller and drilled small holes nearby to make it look like oval shape, I have also used file to make it look even. Width of drilled holes should be less than that of the bamboo stick.

Now using cutting blade scrape out sides of bamboo in the end which has to be locked into the shell, after attaching bamboo stick into the shell please make sure, bamboo does not move any further.

Cut out two small v groves in the coconut shell as well as other end of bamboo stick, this is done so that the string would not slip out.

Measure the length of string that has to be used, In my case it was around 52 inches and have used fishing liner of .35mm . now tie the ends of the string to make a loop and slip it into the instrument as shown in the white sheet. ( please note that the string is tight and the tightness is responsible for the tune coming out of it, so do experiment).

Your own musical instrument is ready in less than 30 mins.

Drilling hole in shell can be tricky, children are advised to do this project under the supervision/guidance of adults.

Try .. dont stop

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Coconut shell violin music player | magic babu | Mysore palace | dont miss | mysore | mysore palace

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