
4. How Bulgaria works. Institutions/ Как работи България. Институции

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33 educational videos on the subject of Civic education, part of the school curriculum in Bulgaria for all students in the 12th grade. The short animation videos cover the whole curriculum in a simple, entertaining and visually attractive way explaining topics like politics and institutions of Bulgaria, politics and institutions of the EU, global issues such as discrimination, radicalization, migration, ecology, the basics of economics and others.

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19. Social policy in Bulgaria and the EU/ Социална политика в България и ЕС

35. European citizenship and European identity

5. What is the EU?/ Какво е ЕС?

6. How does the EU work? Politics/ Как работи ЕС? Политика

4. How Bulgaria works. Institutions/ Как работи България. Институции

3. How does Bulgaria work? Politics/ Как работи България? Политика

7. How the EU works. Institutions/ Как работи ЕС. Институции

22. Summary. Citizens and the economy/ Обобщение. Гражданите и икономиката

The EU's Geography of discontent

33. Summary. Bulgaria and global problems/ Обобщение. България и глобалните проблеми

28. Global issues. Migration/ Глобални проблеми. Миграция

1. "Us and them" or "us or them" - society, power, the state

29. The role of the EU in global problems/ Ролята на ЕС в глобалните проблеми

23. Global issues. Inequalities/ Глобални проблеми. Неравенства

16. Ownership and economy of Bulgaria/ Собственост и икономика на България

4. The person as a citizen

28. Bulgaria in the world culture

2. Separation of powers/ Разделение на властите

32. Health - a personal and/or public issue?/ Здравето - личен и/или обществен въпрос?

12. I, we, the economy/ Аз, ние, икономиката

Building Europe together

10. Civil control over government/ Граждански контрол над управлението

17. The economy in focus. Does the state have a wallet?

31. How to live ecologically/ Как да живеем екосъобразно

20. Congratulations, you're hired!/ Поздравления, нает/а сте!

25. Global issues. Radicalization/ Глобални проблеми. Радикализация

14. The economy in focus. The contract and private property

8. Power, media and public opinion/ Власт, медии и обществено мнение

Youth Action Plan in EU External Action

18. The economy in focus. Work, unemployment and mutual aid

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