
Breaking News One - Over 250 traditional Boxing Day hunts meet up

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Fox hunting protesters and supporters clashed on the streets today as more than 250 hunts met for the annual Boxing Day event after Theresa May U-turned over plans for a vote on scrapping the ban.Tempers flared at the Tredegar Farmers Hunt in Bassaleg, near Newport, Wales, as the two groups squared up to each other and the police had to intervene in a bid to diffuse the situation.Former Ukip leader Nigel Farage was seen laughing while he made his way to the hunt meeting point in Chiddingstone Castle, Kent.Meanwhile, hundreds of people lined the streets in Elham in Kent and Ledbury in Herefordshire to watch the men and women, wearing their 'hunting pink', parade through the villages before taking part in the hunt.It comes as Mrs May is set to abandon her Conservative general election manifesto pledge to give MPs a free vote on whether to overturn the fox hunting ban.Suffolk Police also confirmed that they are investigating allegations a fox was killed illegally at the hunt.They were called to attend at around 2pm on Tuesday.The force received reports a fox had been killed during the clashes between observers and members of the hunt.Images posted on social media purported to show the dead animal.No arrests have been made, but officers are gathering evidence and police are appealing for witnesses, or anyone who has video footage of the incident, to come forward.Suffolk Police said in a statement: 'Officers from Suffolk's rural crime team were called to attend the Great Thurlow Hunt.'As a result of an incident between the hunt and hunt observers, officers are currently investigating allegations of offences committed under the Hunting Act 2004.'Police are asking anyone who may have witnessed the incident or have any evidence such as video footage, to contact the rural crime team at Suffolk Police on 101.'The Hunting Act was introduced by the Labour Party in 2004 which outlawed the hunting of animals including foxes and deer with dogs.A recent survey found 85 per cent do not think hunting should be made legal again and Mrs May is set to announce next year that she will not go ahead with the vote.It comes as the Countryside Alliance said hunting was younger and more diverse than it had ever been.A survey of registered hunts showed more women and young people were taking part in legal hunts such as 'trail' hunting than 10 years ago.Baroness Ann Mallalieu, president of the Countryside Alliance, said the hunting ban 'has little to do with animals or their welfare', adding the anti-hunting lobby is about a 'hatred of people'.But polling for the League Against Cruel Sports showed continued widespread opposition to repealing the Hunting Act.Hunting returned to the headlines during the snap general election, when Mrs May promised a free vote on repealing the ban to the consternation of campaigners, but failed to win a parliamentary majority.But according to the Sunday Times, she will announce plans to permanently drop the commitment to a House of Commons vote,
Breaking News One - Over 250 traditional Boxing Day hunts meet up

Breaking News One - Over 250 traditional Boxing Day hunts meet up

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