
[WARNING GRAPHIC] Pamela Anderson In Kremlin on Animal Rights. Australian Pigs Tased and Gassed

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Pamela Anderson in Kremlin Fighting for Animal Rights
Pamela visited the Kremlin today to discuss wildlife conservation and animal rights with Putin'S Chief of Staff Sergei Ivanov.
She is concerned about Russian Seals and the many aquariums keeping orcas, dolphins and beliugas in captivity
The two have met before in September in Vladivostok where they discussed Russia's wildlife diversity.
Pamela also wrote to Putin this year to request that he block a whale meat shipment headed from Iceland to Japan
She doesn't believe in dieting Pamela says her biggest secret to staying beautiful is just being vegan.
Pamela Animal rights footage

Australian pigs get Tasered: New secret Footage released. Also, Gassing Burns Pigs From The Inside.
Animal rights activists from Animal Liberation Victoria and Animal Liberation New South Wales undertook a two year long secret infiltration of three "best practice" slaughterhouses Victoria, Australia.
The pigs are prodded with taser rods into cramped cages where they are lowered into a gas chamber and gassed. They are obviously under great distress. As were the activists when they accidenbtaly got a whiff of the gas when positioning the cameras. There eyes and noses started burning.
The activists have chained themselves to the gas chamber in an attempt to peacefully stop the killing for as long as they can. Other protesters blocked lorries and protested from the roof of the factory.
Barnaby Joyce, Spokesman for the Australian minister of agricukture said there should zero-tolerance to animal abuse and that he hopes action will be taken.

Mink farm workers sacked over abuse
Two experienced workers have been sacked on the spot on a mink farm in Rosmalen in the Netherlands.
The men are shown on camera violently throwing live animals into a gas chamber and even standing on one that escaped.
The film was recored by activists from Stitching Animal Rights who filed a complaint with police in October about the conditions on the farm.
The mink farming industry is huge in the Netherlands being the third biggest worldwide after Denmark and China. There is however a ban on new factories and the industry is to be phased out completely by 2024 in the Netherlands.

[WARNING GRAPHIC] Pamela Anderson In Kremlin on Animal Rights. Australian Pigs Tased and Gassed

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