
Mother's Day Short Film- I'll Love You Forever

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**NEW FATHER'S DAY FILM- https://youtu.be/0oasbCUSYuw

To celebrate Mother's Day, Jaycie and I set out to create a short film based on a children's book that impacted my life in a very personal way. By the amazing comments we've seen, we aren't alone either. The book "Love You Forever" is the story of a Mother's love for her son as he progresses through life, and we sought to make a modern interpretation of the wonderful themes inside the book.

This short film comes from the bottom of my heart. It's inspired by a book from my childhood, Love You Forever written by Robert Munsch and illustrated by Sheila McGraw, and is dedicated to my mother Ali and Jaycie's mother Charissa.

Keaton Haskell
Katie Jones
Carol Anderson
Camden Harwood
Rylan Harwood
Christopher Huber
Cooper Ursenbach
Addie Manapat
Jaycie Haskell

Adapted and created by me, Kim Haskell with the support of my loving wife, Jaycie.

Special thanks:

Katie Hassard and Love Light Solar for helping to bring light into this project

Kelly Haskell for baby wrangling and production assisting

My friends at St. Lukes for their support

Kennedy and Gage Manapat for lending their facilities and baby

Lexii Birch Ursenbach for donating a baby

Charissa Birch for lending us their home for yet another video ;)

Music Licensed from Musicbed.com #musicbed @themusicbed

Foley and post production audio courtesy of Zapsplat.com

Mother's Day Short Film- I'll Love You Forever


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