
Podcasting Power, With John Lee Dumas of Entrepreneur on Fire | #AhaSummit

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http://AhaSummit.com | From absolutely no Internet presence to nearly 500k downloads and a six-figure business in 12 months, John Lee Dumas is on fire! He's the founder and host of the Entrepreneur on Fire Podcast, a top-rated daily business podcast featuring highly successful entrepreneurs talking about how they got to where they are now, the failures along the way, 'A-Ha!" moments, and their favorite small business resources.

John graciously took time out of his action-packed schedule to record this Video Cameo for the 'A-Ha!' Social Business Summit, to talk about the powerful benefits of podcasting for your business or organization.

Once you give it a listen, check out his Podcasters Paradise program at http://aha.to/aha-eofire to explore an awesome soup-to-nuts resource for getting your own podcast off to a blazing start!


Thank you to our Partners, Sponsors, and Allies, who helped make the 'A-Ha!' Summit possible:

Epiphanies, Inc., Possibility Partner, http://www.EpiphaniesInc.com
Southern New Hampshire University, Summit Partner, http://www.SNHU.edu
Flock Marketing, Brand Partner, http://www.FlockMarketing.com
Constant Contact, Engagement Partner, http://www.ConstantContact.com

NH Division of Economic Development, Founding Sponsor, http://www.NHEconomy.com
NH Business Review, Print Media Sponsor, http://www.NHBR.com
WGIR-AM/New Hampshire Today With Jack Heath, Radio Sponsor, http://jackheathradio.com
Dyn, Inc., Networking happy Hour Sponsor, http://www.Dyn.com
CommonPlaces, Online Sponsor, http://www.CommonPlaces.com

Perk at Work, Coffee Ally, http://www.PerkAtWork.com
Women Inspiring Women, Breakfast Ally, http://www.WIWnh.com
The Common Man, Do Good Ally, http://www.TheCMan.com
Jim Tyrrell, Music Ally, http://www.JimTyrrell.net
KateLemay.com, Inspiration Ally, http://www.KateLemay.com
Capital City Limousine, Shuttle Ally, http://www.CapitalCityLimo-NH.com

Podcasting Power, With John Lee Dumas of Entrepreneur on Fire | #AhaSummit

LIVE Podcast Workshop with John Lee Dumas!

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