
When you're not good enough...

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You guys, there is something I need to get off of my chest...I am SICK of having my body define who I am. Those of you who have been with me the last ten years know that I have not always been a "skinny" fitness instructor. When I first started teaching online, I was the "inspiring" and "body positive" "fat" instructor. Now that I have achieved my own personal fitness goal, you know, practiced what I preached, I have somehow turned into a "fat shaming" and "irresponsible" "skinny" instructor...How does that even make sense?! I am literally the exact same person teaching the exact same things! I mean, my number one goal over the years has always been to help YOU reach YOUR goals. What kind of an example would I be setting if I didn't reach my own goals?? This culture of body shaming has to stop. We are all people just trying our best to feel good about ourselves. No matter my size, I am just the same Cassey who only wants the best for you.

Download the Body by Blogilates app: https://bit.ly/bodybyblogilatesapp

My outfit & yoga mat are from: http://www.popflexactive.com

Here is where I get all of my music! Epidemic Sound: http://share.epidemicsound.com/sgFTn


Cassey Ho is an award-winning fitness instructor, entrepreneur and online personality. As the creator behind Blogilates, the #1 female fitness channel on YouTube, she’s transformed millions of lives through helping them achieve their strength and weight-loss goals. She focuses on making fitness fun and the results are evident. Cassey's unique format, POP Pilates©, which launched as a workout video on YouTube in 2009, has become a live fitness class that can be taken at gyms all over the world with over 3,000 POP Pilates classes being taught monthly. Her authenticity continues to shine through, making her one of the most relatable fitness icons online and beyond. She's also the author of the best-selling book, Hot Body Year Round and is the designer of her own activewear line, POPFLEX.

With a wide range of free workout videos available, Cassey's channel focuses on ab exercises, butt & thigh exercises, arm exercises, pilates, cardio routines, fat burning workouts, high intensity interval training workouts (HIIT), stretching and flexibility routines and so much more!


Blogilates and oGorgeous Inc. strongly recommend that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program.

You should be in good physical condition and be able to participate in the exercise.

You should understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Blogilates and oGorgeous Inc. from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Blogilates' and oGorgeous Inc.'s negligence.

#pilates #fitness #bodypositive

When you're not good enough...

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