
The One Rule of Effective Fascial Release - And Why Massage Doesn't 'Release' Fascia

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Website: https://elishaceleste.com/
Substack: https://humanfreedomproject.substack.com/
Learn Kinetix with me: https://kinetix.academy/


I’ve moved on from Mobility Mastery (self fascia release) in order to focus on teaching Kinetix, my method of root cause discovery for pain and dis-ease that involves partner fascia release as a “diagnostics” (and regeneration) tool. Kinetix is a complete scientific methodology that I teach to friends, partners and professionals alike inside The Kinetix Academy.

My other primary focus will be the launch and growth of a new podcast and Substack community called The Human Freedom Project.


Sometime in 2023 I will return to YouTube with HFP podcast episodes and content created to help you know and understand yourself as a whole organism made of body, soul and spirit. This content will feature the Kinetix methodology, pain science, fascia secrets I’ve learned from 15+ years in private practice, neuroscience and evolving beyond the brain, trauma and the body, and more! I’m excited to go on this new adventure with you.

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For a DEMONSTRATION of compress and movement based fascia release, I recommend watching any of my free fascia release videos.

The quad and hip flexor fascia is my #1 pick for helping alignment and structural issues from head to toe, because of the role this fascia plays in pelvic instability and glute inhibition.


Fascia is almost as strong as steel. Fascia has its own pain receptors and it can contract independent of muscle tissue. One of its primary jobs is to protect us. Protect us from what? From impact and direct hits to the body, from mechanical stress which could injure our bones and joints (mechanical stress is anything from jumping and running to standing on your feet all day), and from potential threats to our vital organs if we were ever attacked while unconscious (this is the primary reason fascia can contract independent of muscle tissue, but other reasons include to move LYMPH fluid and rid the body of toxins).


When I talk about compression and movement, I'm talking about an outside force (such as a foam roller, lacrosse ball or a foot as in Kinetix - my method of fascia release that involves stepping on people) compressing the fascia and muscle tissue to the BONE; then, the movement needs to come from the muscle and fascia of your own body. If the outside force is trying to push in with the intention to manipulate and change the fascia, the fascia is likely to go into protect mode, especially if it's intense. And trying to change fascia with muscle force is like trying to mold steel with your bare hands!


As I mention in this video, I was a massage therapist trained in the Thomas Myers style of myofascial massage. I was also trained to do orthopedic massage, trained not to use oils or lotions but my bare hands instead because that is what remolds fascia. I did massage for a year, and was frustrated that the results we achieved in session never lasted. I myself was in pain, went through massage school with very skilled instructors and never got out of pain using massage. It wasn't until I started stepping on people that my clients got out of pain, and they were getting out of pain in 1-3 sessions. The method I learned initially is a form of fascial stretching, but I modified it into a compression and SHEARING method that actually 'releases' fascia.

When I use the word "release" I mean it quite literally. You can touch fascia with massage, you can contact it, you can massage it, knead it, go over knots and adhesions...but it doesn't shear apart under your hands. It's almost impossible to control the amount of weight (compression) necessary to change fascia with your hands. You can absolutely change fascia with massage, but it's RARE. It takes a very skilled therapist who knows what they are doing, and it takes and educated client who knows how to breathe and let the process happen without protecting (tensing up).

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