
Ryten Hike | Kvalvika Beach | Lofoten Islands | Norway

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Ryten / Kvalvika beach hike is a must do hike in Lofoten Islands. This hike starts from Fredvang village. Hike is around 1.5hr one way. Its an easy hike and kids can easily do it.
The view of Kvalvika beach from Ryten is stunning.

There are couple of car parking there which are of 100 NOK.
GPS - https://www.google.co.in/maps/place/Parking+ryten+trail/@68.0870037,13.1273157,13.91z/data=!4m14!1m7!3m6!1s0x45de19c34c99a581:0x59318fcd9886c5bf!2sKvalvika+Beach+Trail+Head!8m2!3d68.0854712!4d13.1426151!16s%2Fg%2F11f6gjczpm!3m5!1s0x45de17f03a44fc5d:0xd34292690b3d44cd!8m2!3d68.0905388!4d13.1567405!16s%2Fg%2F11hzpmqcbx?entry=ttu

Besides the parking there is Roren beach. After the hike, if time permits, one can also go there.

Ryten Hike | Kvalvika Beach | Lofoten Islands | Norway

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