
Couchtalk w/ Dr. Anna Cabeca 107: Need To Do To Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease w/ Dr. Lisa Mosconi

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Women have a greater risk of having Alzheimer’s Disease when we get older than men. Alzheimer’s starts in the brain, so it’s important to protect our brain health from an early age. Dr. Lisa Mosconi joins us to talk about Alzheimer’s, brain health, and women’s changing bodies through menopause.

Lisa is Italian, living in America, and holds two PhDs in Neuroscience and Nuclear Medicine. She’s the author of two books, The XX Brain (coming soon) and Brain Food. As a certified Integrative Nutritionist, Lisa promotes eating a Mediterranean diet to have, not just a healthier body, but a healthy brain.

You should start looking after your brain health right away. If you haven’t been eating for health, it’s time to start. The brain is so important to our bodies and they begin deteriorating almost as soon as we start forgetting things.

Women are more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease than men because of our estrogen levels, which is necessary for optimal brain health, begin to decrease when we go through menopause.

Lisa talks about why physicians should use an integrative medical approach to women’s health to have maximum impact, prevent overlap, and get a clearer sense of what’s going on in your body. Lisa explains what you can start doing right now to help prevent Alzheimer’s disease from developing when you get older.

Women who have their ovaries removed are at higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease earlier in life. Plus, the symptoms typically associated with menopause, such as hot flashes, night sweats, memory fog, and even stress, all start in the brain. Lisa discusses why this happens to our brains and bodies.

Lisa talks about the role of progesterone in our bodies and how important it is for our brain health. Then, lastly, she returns to the concept of what we eat and says the single greatest thing we can do for our health is to eat at least one large salad every day.

Do you eat a salad a day? How do you keep your brain healthy and active? Are you in menopause or perimenopause?


• How a Mediterranean diet can help your brain be healthier
• When you should start looking after your brain
• What happens to our bodies when our brains start forgetting
• Why more women have Alzheimer’s Disease than men
• How an integrative medical approach can make a more positive
impact on your overall body health
• What you need to do to help prevent Alzheimer’s disease


Buy The XX Brain https://www.lisamosconi.com/xxbrain

Find Dr. Lisa Mosconi Online https://www.lisamosconi.com/

Be sure to check out Dr Anna’s new book, MenuPause.
Get your sneak peek: dranna.com/gfd-sneak
Order your book today: dranna.com/gfd-book
Take Dr Anna’s quiz and get matched with your ideal menu: dranna.com/gfd-quiz
Get your Weight Loss Checklist as well: dranna.com/gfd-checklist
Try her Keto-Green Recipes for Menopause at dranna.com/gfd-recipe
Sign up for her FREE masterclass today: dranna.com/gfd-diabetes


Dr. Anna Cabeca is an Emory University trained and board certified Gynecologist and Obstetrician. In addition, she is board certified in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine and an expert in Functional Medicine and Women’s Health. She specializes in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy and natural alternatives, successful menopause and age management medicine. Dr. Anna is the best-selling author of Hormone Fix, Keto-Green 16, and MenuPause.


Website: http://drannacabeca.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thegirlfrienddoctor
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thegirlfrienddoctor/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thegirlfrienddoctor
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/thegirlfrienddoctor/

* Always seek the advice of your own physician or qualified health professional before starting any treatment or plans. Information found here and results are provided for informational purposes only and are not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified healthcare professional and are not intended as medical advice. *

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