
The Ass Class + Pranayama with Kait Hurley and Alison Wu

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Let’s talk about the glutes. They’re one of the most major muscles in the body, and we need strong glutes to power us during our workouts and to perform simple day-to-day tasks—like picking something up off the floor or even just walking. Here’s the thing though: Because of all the sitting we do, our hip flexors get short and tight. As a result, our glute muscles lengthen and weaken. Over time, the glutes can even forget how to turn on properly….which means, even though we try to contract and fire our glute muscles, we can’t. Instead, we might feel the burn in our hamstrings but our glutes refuse to do the work. This can lead to all kinds of health problems including pelvic floor issues (think sneeze and pee) plus low-back and knee pain. The solution? Moving the body more, sitting less, and focusing on really smart, targeted, glute work.

In The Ass Class, Alison Wu and I lead you through our favorite butt-burning moves and give you tips to go deeper and activate your glutes in a more intentional way. Get ready to push your edge and sweat it out to bumping music. At the end of our 30-minute workout, we’ll finish with a grounded meditation to help you find the ease in the effort. For more Move + Meditate videos, visit http://kaithurley.com.

The Ass Class + Pranayama with Kait Hurley and Alison Wu

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