
MCIS Language Solutions - 30 Years of History and Growth

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MCIS Language Solutions celebrates its 30th anniversary in fiscal year 2019!! We have interviewed some key staff members who have been with MCIS in different roles for various lengths of time, including its Executive Director and the longest serving Interpretation Services coordinator, to bring you a recap of how MCIS has evolved over the years, and how working at this not-for-profit has personally impacted the lives of the interviewees.

Language Advocacy Day – MCIS Announcement

MCIS Language Solutions - 30 Years of History and Growth

What Does MCIS' Social Impact Manager DO?

MCIS Language Solutions - FY2019/20 Virtual AGM - Full Stream

MCIS Language Solutions - FY2020/21 Virtual AGM - Full Stream

AGM 2021-2022 Part 2

MigrahackTO Projects on Immigration, Domestic Abuse, and Language Access

Helping Trafficked Persons – Live Webinar with Shelley Gilbert

Helping Trafficked Persons Webinar with Caroline

Purposeful Business: Rapid-Fire Session with Social Purpose Leaders

Essentials of Strategic Planning

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