
Natural Makeup Inspired by Jennifer Lopez​​​ | Eman​​​

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This is a great look for an everyday makeup look. It's great for work, school or when you're on the go. I use a lot of cream products in this look to keep it simple so this is a great look for beginners as well.

To check out a list of all the products used and the inspiration picture for this look, go to http://emanmakeup.blogspot.com/2011/09/natural-makeup-tutorial.html

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xo Eman​​​.
About Eman
If you made it this far, yay!! Welcome to my channel. I'm Eman ;) I'm a professional makeup artist. I love doing beauty videos on my YouTube channel EmanMakeup. Everything from beauty tips, how-tos, favorites, tutorials, natural makeup, smokey eyes, celebrity makeup, product reviews and giveaways. I love using lots of different brands like Makeup Forever, MAC, Lorac, and lots more. I like to mix it up and use high end makeup and affordable drugstore makeup. But my channel is more than just a beauty channel. I also love to do other videos than just beauty videos. I like to do exercise videos, healthy recipes, travel videos and I like to vlog. So thank you for watching my videos. I hope you enjoy them! xoxo
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Natural Makeup Inspired by Jennifer Lopez​​​ | Eman​​​

Jennifer Lopez Glow Inspired Makeup Tutorial​​​ | Eman​​​

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