
Secret to Knowing You'll Lucid Dream Tonight #luciddreaming

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Discover the strange "hippie mind" trick to know if you're about to have an epic lucid dream or just deep sleep tonight! 😴 At the start of this video, I reveal the simple word association hack that acts as a lucid dream detector.

Here's how it works: right before bed, pick any random word and do a quick word association game in your mind. #luciddreaming #wordassociation #hippiemind

If your word associations are boring and literal like "spoon" to "fork" to "knife", then you're probably headed for deep sleep instead of vivid dreams. BUT if your associations are weird, creative and colorful, then CONGRATS - your "hippie mind" is turned on and you're primed for lucid dreams tonight!

I call this strange mental state right before a lucid dream "hippie mind". It's like your mind becomes unhinged and ultra creative right before a lucid dream. So use this trick to know whether to focus on lucid dreaming or just get some deep sleep.

The "hippie mind" word association hack has triggered countless lucid dreams for me, and I can't wait for you to try it tonight! Let me know in the comments if it works for you. Sweet dreams! 💤

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