
#1 Kabuki Makeup ―Another Face―【Introductory Exhibition:Now, let’s get to know Kabuki!】

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Shironuri (white face makeup) and kumadori (brightly-striped facial patterns) are unique to Kabuki. What kind of effects do those makeup techniques have in Kabuki? With the two mysterious guys coming out of the book, let’s have a trip to the world of Kabuki!

【Exhibition】 Now, let’s get to know Kabuki!
Dates: June 2 (Thu)-Oct 26 (Wed), 2022
Hours: 10:00-18:00
Venue: Traditional Performing Arts Information Centre
Admission: Free

#1 Kabuki Makeup ―Another Face―【Introductory Exhibition:Now, let’s get to know Kabuki!】

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