
Tahir Hussain Confession to Delhi Police | Delhi Riots Culprits Exposed.

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Tahir Hussain has told the police that he had met student leader Umar Khalid at Popular Front of India (PFI) office in southeast Delhi’s Shaheen Bagh on January 8 to plan the riots in north-east Delhi, according to the interrogation reports submitted to the court by the Delhi police as part of the several charge sheets against Hussain.

Hussain’s confession was recorded by police after his arrest in March this year in connection with the murder of Intelligence Bureau officer Ankit Sharma during the communal riots in the Capital in February.

The confession is not an admissible evidence in court because it was made in front of a police officer but it has been attached with the charge sheet against him.

Hussain’s interrogation reports were widely circulated on social media on Sunday and Monday. According to his confession recorded by police, Khalid had assured them of finances from the PFI, Jamia Cordination Committee (JCC), from some political people, and from advocates and Muslim organisations, the interrogation report reads.

Senior police officers refused to comment on the reports, saying the court is already seized of the matter.
According to the police report, Saifi introduced Hussain to Khalid. Saifi told them that when US President Donald Trump would be in India, they should do something that will force the Indian government withdraw the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA).

Everyone was given different tasks. “While Saifi had to gather mob on he streets, I was asked to collect glass bottles, acid and petrol,” Hussain told the interrogators, as per the report.

On Saturday, Delhi police had questioned Umar Khalid in connection with an alleged conspiracy behind the February violence in northeast Delhi.

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Tahir Hussain Confession to Delhi Police | Delhi Riots Culprits Exposed.

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