
Emotional Intelligence Daniel Goleman Summary | What It Means To Be Smart

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EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE DANIEL GOLEMAN SUMMARY | TOP 7 WAYS TO LEVERAGE YOUR EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE \\ This video is all about the book called Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman. It is a top selling book with over 5 million copies sold. Emotional intelligence, until recently, was a pretty underrated way of determining the success of someone's life. Turns out it has a lot more of a key role to play than what was previously assumed.


In this book the author argues that emotional intelligence, rather than our IQ is perhaps the single most important factor for helping us to lead more fulfilling lives. In comparison to IQ it is actually a better predictor of academic success, job performance and life success in general. Also, UNLIKE IQ, emotional intelligence is something that you can increase throughout your life.

I'm going to dive into the top 7 practical ways that you can boost emotional intelligence in your life today.

The first way to boost your emotional intelligence is to actually become aware of the feelings you are experiencing on a moment-by-moment basis. You need to be able to first recognize your emotions in order for you to be able to start leveraging them, right? Studies show that people who do not have the ability to recognize their own emotions are more prone to violence.

The second way, after you have been able to actually recognize and name the emotion is to then become aware of what is causing them. For instance, if someone insults you in some way, maybe they call you dumb, and then you recognize that you feel angry, upset, or maybe even embarrased. You could then analyze why you feel that way, and you'll come to realize that the reason you had an emotional reaction to this is because there is a small par of you that believes this to be true. You could then directly challenge this subconscious belief that you've been holding on to, and question its validity. Then if it happens again and you've rid yourself of that subconscious belief, it won't affect you emotionally any longer.

The next way is to practice using inner dialogues. Once you've gained to ability to recognize emotions, you can begin talking to yourself about it. Reasoning with yourself about your emotions through using inner dialogues throughour your day-to-day life. You can change your negative assumptions about what it causing your emotions into positive ones and choose to see things from a different perspective.

The 4th way to boost your emotional intelligence is to mirror someone's body language. When you are physically in tune with someone, is it much easier to get those mirror neurons firing in your brain. If this person appears to be powerful, notice their posture. Start copying it. Studies have shown that people who assumed "power poses" actually experienced more feelings of self-empowerment.

The 5th way is learning to use your emotions to self-motivate. As you go through your life you are going inevitably endure a series of successes and failures. Its how you percieve your failures in life that is what will define you. If you percieve your failure as something that you can't control, like because they is something un-fixable about you, and that its going to be a permanent thing about your life and identity, it will be. IF, however, you see failure instead as something to learn from, and that a failure is due to something that you can change, you will try again because you believe that success is something that depends on your actions.

The last two ways are kind of little "hacks" that you can use in your close relationships.

So if you're in a romantic relationship with your partner, you can actually avoid a lot of misunderstandings by understanding the psychology of the opposite sex. Girls are typically raised to talk about their feelings, this is how they connect with people. Boys are raised to minimize their feelings and appear "strong".


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Emotional Intelligence Daniel Goleman Summary | What It Means To Be Smart

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