
Metabolic Function & Excess Protein Consumption | Nora Gedgaudas

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In this video Nora Gedgaudas discusses the potential consequences of excess protein consumption. Filmed at Paleo f(x) Austin.

About the speaker :

Nora Gedgaudas is the author of the ground breaking, international best-selling book, Primal Body, Primal Mind: Beyond the Paleo Diet for Total Health and a Longer Life currently ranking near the top of all health-related books on Amazon.

Nora's work has been enthusiastically endorsed and promoted by respected experts such as David Perlmutter, MD (board certified neurologist and head of the Perlmutter Institute), Functional Clinical Neurologist and educator, Dr. Glen Zielinski of the Carrick Institute, former heads of State such as Catherine Austin Fitts (former senior underwriter secretary for HUD under two different White House administrations and current head of Solari, Inc.), as well as numerous other best selling authors and experts in medicine and natural health. Nora's popular articles on diet and health have appeared in the Well Being Journal, Paleo Magazine, New Dawn, Nature & Health (one of Australia's leading health & wellbeing magazines), Rodale, Forbes and others. Nora also serves on the Advisory Board for Paleo Magazine.

Nora served as a trainer for the State of Washington Institute of Mental Health, illuminating nutrition's impact on mental health for State health care workers at all levels. Nora has given numerous talks, seminars and workshops nationally and internationally, including the Weston A. Price Foundation's Wise Traditions conference in Philadelphia, the EEG Institute in Los Angeles, The Institute for Integrative Nutrition in NY, and she also completed a hugely successful three city University speaking tour in Australia November of 2011 as well as speaking at Sydney's popular Soul Sessions there. Nora was also a featured presenter at the 2011 Paleo-FX conference at the University of Texas in Austin last year (2011), as well as being interviewed for the popular Paleo Summit produced by Sean Croxton's Underground Wellness. In Brisbane, Australia, Nora was filmed for an upcoming major documentary on aging and longevity starring Mariel Hemingway, also featuring other speakers such as Bruce Lipton, Joe Dispenza and John DiMartini. Nora has been filmed for several other upcoming documentaries, as well. She was a featured presenter at The First Annual Ancestral Health Symposium at UCLA—billed as "the Woodstock of evolutionary medicine" and was also a featured presenter for AHS12 at Harvard University this year (2012).

Nora has appeared internationally as a featured guest on national radio and television, including several popular appearances on the international broadcast, Coast To Coast with George Noory and Sydney, Australia's top televised morning program, The Today Show, as well as having been interviewed for CBS News. She was host of her own top rated radio program on Voice America Radio's "Health and Wellness" channel and her Primal Body Primal Mind Radio podcasts are now available on iTunes!

Nora Gedgaudas is Board-certified in Holistic Nutrition® through the National Association of Nutritional Professionals (NANP) and is recognized by the Nutritional Therapy Association as a Certified Nutritional Therapist (CNT). She is also a board certified Neurofeedback specialist (CNS). Nora maintains a successful private neurofeedback and nutritional consultation practice in Portland, Oregon.

Visit Nora at : http://www.primalbody-primalmind.com/

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