
Staying Passionate: People, Topics, and Testimonies to Help You Stay Inspired (Christian ASMR)

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*If you are distracted by the background music at first, don't worry! It only lasts for the brief synopsis at the start. Also, if you do not have time to watch the video, please checkout the playlist below and read the short summary of each video I have written in the description.

The Playlist: Staying Passionate - Resources to Help you Stay Inspired

A Summary of the Playlist - Broken into Categories

1. Speakers / People
This category examines and outlines the speakers or people that have influenced me throughout my faith journey. The specific videos that I have provided for each are not necessarily the videos that have impacted me the most.

Dan Mohler -
By far the most important influential person to me on the list. When he speaks, you know that he is not just quoting scripture from memorization or study, but from that AND having lived it and experienced it in context.

Derek Prince-
He is someone that is very foundational. He is well versed, studied, and knowledgeable. He experiences the spiritual aspects mentioned in the Bible (Healing, deliverance, miracles, etc), and provides a very strong Biblical basis for his beliefs, practice and application.

Dr. Caroline Leaf-
An amazing person to look to for anything to do with the body, physiology, and mental health. She explores the world of neuroscience and explains why the Bible asks certain things of us from a physiological perspective.

Dr. Daniel Amen-
Very similar to Caroline Leaf, but more well known.

Ravi Zacharias-
A go to for tough questions about faith and defending Biblical thought. A master of apologetics, who not only speaks from a vast intellect, but also through experiential means.

John Paul Jackson-
A great person to go to for a lot of the more mysterious aspects of the Bible. This could include spiritual warfare, dreams, etc. He does a great job at breaking down these ideas practically.

Steven Furtick-
Passionate, motivational, relational, practical.

Francis Chan-
Probably has the most conviction through his actions out of anyone I have come across. He lives what he preaches.

Chuck Missler-
He is someone I refer to when it comes to the more controversial, albeit interesting, aspects of the Bible. These would include eccentric topics like quantum physics, the nephilim, UFOs, etc.

Kathryn Kuhlman-
She is someone that represents a generation of Holy Spirit filled and sold out Christian of the past.

Todd White-
An incredibly passionate and outspoken advocate for the gospel. He is someone who has inspired me to step out and be bold with my faith. Has a huge heart and lives it out.

Bill Johnson-
Someone who demonstrates wisdom and unique insight. A good example of someone who pursues more and more of God. You can tell he has spent hours upon hours in his prayer closet.

2. Specific Series, Topics, or Sermons
This category focus more on the substance of the actual video, and not on the necessarily the speaker themselves.

The New Rules for Love, Sex, and Dating- Andy Stanley-
A must, must watch for anyone who is single. My wife and I both watched this during our single lives. I can't recommend this enough!

Introduction to Eric Gilmour on Experiencing God-
A comprehensive look at developing an intimate prayer life.

Kris Vallotton - Spirit Wars-
An amazing first hand account of what spiritual warfare looks like. What an amazing introduction to the topic told in a very relatable way through his own experience. A MUST watch.

The Last Reformation Documentary-
The book of Acts in modern day. A look at what is possible in the life of a Christian. This will push you to step out and take risks.

Imagine Heaven- John Burke-
Based on his book. The best resource for near death experiences. Organized in a relatable way by specific category.

3. Testimonies
This category has to do with testimonies: Near death experiences, healing, spiritual encounters, etc...

I Died, Went to Heaven and Came Back-
This near death, heaven, experience is one that I think about regularly. Really puts things into perspective (eternal perspective) and reminds me not to worry.

Healed from Stage 4 Terminal Cancer-
This video is about a guy who takes everything I believe about healing and applies it . Amazing!

Amazing Healing Testimony from VOA 2014-
An incredible story of healing that emphasizes hearing God's voice, being obedient, and never giving up.

Wow! This Jewish man turns to Jesus and explains why in a way you never heard before!-
An amazing series to watch. This channel shows various testimonies from Jewish people encountering Jesus.

12 Year Old Boy is Saved by Angels from Being Decapitated-
A testimony that has always stuck with me. It reminds me we are never alone and highlights the grace of God.

Jason Upton and Angel Sing Fly Testimony-
An incredible story, but one I don't want to give away. You will just have to watch!

#ChristianASMR #StayingPassionate

Staying Passionate: People, Topics, and Testimonies to Help You Stay Inspired (Christian ASMR)

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