
Nomatic With A Killer Ad

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Nomatic With A Killer Ad

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It's time to lose all the baggage.

Nomatic was such a great ad. They do such a wonderful job of making this ad just for Instagram and then also outside of it. So if you go watch the video, it's actually longer. Two minutes, maybe three minutes, something like that. It's an explainer video of what the backpack can do, all the situations it can be helpful, why it's so great, and from start to finish it is pure entertainment. I mean, honestly, I think the ad might even get better at the end. It doesn't slow down at all.

But specifically I wanted to talk right now about how they did it for Instagram and I want to make sure that everyone who's watching does the same thing for their ads, okay? If you click on the ad in the beginning, it takes up the full square, okay? And that's really good because it gets more real estate in the ad. But then it snaps right away to 12, what is it? 1290 x 1080, whatever. The horizontal view, and that's how the ad was actually made. But it's so important to note that they were smart enough at Nomatic to start the ad in the full square to get your full attention and maximize the real estate. And then they bring the squares back throughout the ad, which changes the way you watch the ad. Zooms in at certain times, keeping you engaged in the ad.

Let alone how funny the ad is itself and entertaining, they've just structured it very, very well with the overlays. So what I want everyone to do is think about how they can make not just a funny, very entertaining ad that's packed with comedy from the beginning to the end, wit is so important in advertising and this company has it in spades, but think about how you can take a horizontal ad that you've made and blow it up at certain times to mix up the way people watch, keep people entertained, and especially start your ad, just like them, very entertaining.

So, well done again, Nomatic. You guys are killing it in the production department. I think they have a whole team of people over there that works on it, so everybody's doing real well. Keep at it.

Nomatic With A Killer Ad

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