
Life in Russia's COLDEST CITY - Yakutsk | Yakut habits, heatwave(-35 C°), my walrus-friends

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Let's meet an ethnic minority of Russia - the Yakut who live in the coldest inhabited of the Earth. We will get to know their culture, get to know the locals and hear their life stories and concerns about Global warming. Global warming isn't felt much for us, but it is already very palpable and visible in the Russian Arctic.

Time codes:
0:00 Welcome to the Far North!
2:10 What is the "warm" temperature for the Yakut people?
3:47 How does the coldest city function during winter?
7:05 What winter activities do locals have here in Yakutsk?
9:22 Ice bathing. How to prepare for it?
13:31 Yakut language
14:44 Climate change, permafrost and heatwaves in Yakutia

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📍 More videos:

https://youtu.be/C4EA8VSZdZ8 - Our life in Russia under sanctions | Prices in the shopping mall, Q&A

https://youtu.be/sFWtQ5AV0vg - COLDEST PLACE on Earth (-71°C, -96°F) Why people live here? | Oymyakon, Russia

https://youtu.be/qTtfPHV3vWY - Experiencing snowstorm & traditional epiphany bathing in the Extreme North of Russia
📸 @elibakunova - more content about Russia, cultures, traveling, and my daily life
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Life in Russia's COLDEST CITY - Yakutsk | Yakut habits, heatwave(-35 C°), my walrus-friends

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