
For those of you that get turned down for a job at Riot

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Just randomly decided to throw this rant up here. Hope all is well, SotL YouTube channel. Maybe sometime I'll come back for a while =D

FLY Falls Short at MSI, Can TL Redeem NA?! The WESTERN MINDSET feat. Zven | Hotline League 318

Riot Games Esports Executives - Worlds Media Day

8 years in, why does Riot still struggle to announce events? - Travis Talks

Worlds Format & VCT - The Blame Game

Which champion has this League ability?

Dash's LCS Departure - The Blame Game w/ MarkZ

What is this League of Legends item called?

CLG, Doublelift, and Tenacity - The Blame Game

Why TIER 2 is the FUTURE of LCS! C9 changes feat. Steve Kangas and Kelsey Moser | Hotline League 315

For those of you that get turned down for a job at Riot

Dyrus Interview with Travis - IPL4 - League of Legends

COREJJ on Team Liquid's AGGRESSIVE style! Is CRITICIZING your own team EVER OK? | Hotline League 314

LCS 2024 CHANGES? Does JENSEN have something to PROVE?! feat. Svenskeren | Hotline League 302

CLG & TSM, Past & Future of LCS - The Blame Game

Pobelter on IMT's first game, his take on the Worlds meta, elaborates on bo1 vs bo3 statement

Jatt is good at reading the LCS Teleprompter

FINALS, FINALLY! Does C9 NEED a rookie? Is 100T just LUCKY? feat. Bwipo | Hotline League 312

Who is RUINING Team Liquid - The Blame Game

Deftly: 'I'm a rookie playing with 4 veteran players, there's a lot for me to learn'

TL STEVE'S TAKES on a SMALLER LEAGUE and LCS ACADEMY! Strongest team EVER? | Hotline League 299

The LCS Schedule Change - The Blame Game

The MOST HYPED rookies joining LCS in 2024!

How Cloud9 DESTROYED EG - The Blame Game

XDG Benny - former League pro talks visit to LCS and what life is like after retirement

SPICIEST PRE-PLAYOFFS TAKES! + TL roster drama feat. PapaSmithy and Andy | Hotline League 310

Worlds/MSI format eating GOOD- The Blame Game /w MarkZ

TL Bjergsen CHOKED vs 100 Thieves - The Blame Game

NA at Worlds - The Blame Game

THREE International Tourneys & Splits?! - The Blame Game

5 things to know before watching NA LCS 2018

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