
7 Things About EARTH Science CAN'T Figure Out

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7 Things We Don't Know About Earth...

From how it even works to where and how life began, to who picked the name "Earth"....these are 7 Things About Earth Science Just Can't Figure Out.

Narration provided by JaM Advertising New Mexico www.tasteofjam.com

Plate tectonics is the accepted theory that Earth's crust and upper mantle is made of large fragments which glide over the rest of the mantle, collectively forming a shell to protect us from the firey-death 60 kilometres beneath our feet - but as for what's below that, we're still working that out.

By analysing sedimentary and volcanic rocks we can track changes in the Earth's magnetic field throughout our planet's history, and in doing so we've noticed some rather strange anomalies, one of which is occurring right now.
The prediction of earthquake activity and volcanic eruption has improved significantly over the past century, but there are still many things we don't know about these devastating natural disasters which would really help us prepare for them in future, and that would mean we can quit making cheap-ass disaster movies where Morgan Freeman always seems to be President.

It's a good job classy civilizations from antiquity were the ones who named our Solar System's planets. Mars was the Roman God of War, Jupiter the Roman God of Sky, and Uranus the Greek God of Heavens - but if they were all named today we'd call them Planet McPlanetyface, Ringy Ringerson and…and we'd probably keep Uranus because it's funny.

If any 20th Century Fox producers are watching this we are not referring to those Ray Romano movies you keep making. You've done five already guys, that's enough, it's time for the Ice Age to end, Sid and Manny to go extinct and their corpses to start rotting into mush.

Far likelier than a sudden ice age is an extreme global heat crisis, because today around 97% of climate scientists agree climate change is occurring; and 82% believe it is likely caused by the activities of man. But if you disagree with them that's fine, everyone's entitled to their opinion, however you will be forced to go sit in the special corner with Bobby Ray Simmons to discuss flat earth theories and how the moon is made of cheese.

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