
Syria’s Shifting Alliances

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Hundreds of thousands of civilians fled fighting in northern Syria in the first week of Turkey’s Operation Peace Spring in an effort to push back the YPG terror group. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who says the YPG threatens its border, wants to create a ‘safe zone’ where Ankara can resettle up to two million Syrian refugees. So, is the operation justified? And is Turkey’s resettlement plan viable?


Egemen Bagis
Turkish Ambassador to the Czech Republic

Peter Galbraith
Former US Ambassador and Author of ‘The End of Iraq’

Anne Giudicelli
Former Diplomat and Founding Owner of Terrorisc

Turkey in northern Syria explained

Turkey’s Border Security: Erdogan says Operation Peace Spring to continue

Updates on Turkey’s Operation Peace Spring

YPG released more than 800 Daesh prisoners in Tal Abyad

Turkey begins development in town freed of YPG – Turkey’s Border Security

YPG terrorists cleared from Syria's Tel Abyad - Turkey’s Border Security

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Minority communities show support for Operation Peace Spring

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Breaking News: US starts withdrawal from Syria

Turkey’s Operation into Syria

Syria’s Shifting Alliances

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Erdogan's war: Turkey dismisses NATO objections to Syria offensive

TRT World Forum 2019 - The Future of Turkey-US Relations: Political and Security Dimensions

Turkey's Border Security: Interview with Mark Kimmitt

Operation Peace Spring

YPG Turns to Assad

YPG’s New Ally

James Carafano: Turkey Must Meet International Obligations in Syria, or Face Criticism

US Senator Lindsey Graham contradicts himself on Turkey’s actions against the YPG

Turkey's Border Security: Interview with Murat Aslan

Kurds in Turkey and Turkish Russian Relations

The Future of US Policy on Syria

TRT World Forum 2019 - NATO under the Gun: The Emergence of New Security Challenges

Attack on Turkish-controlled Region in Syria.

2nd Annual Conference: NATO and US-Turkey Security Cooperation in a Turbulent Region

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