
12. Ezra Pound's Speeches from Rome

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Survey of Pound's speeches from Rome 1941-43, as they are presented to us in transcript form via 'Ezra Pound Speaking', edited by Leonard Doob, 1978.

The speeches raise a whole number of issues. What is the problem? Money lending and its role in warfare and cultural degradation, past and present. Who creates the problem? 'Rich Jewish bankers', ostensibly, as Pound sees it (and he names names). I see it as a problem of human greed, and that one race MIGHT predominate in it over another, but that it isn't centrally a problem of race. (And a related question would be 'Is there any veracity in 'The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion' in order to prove something of Pound's claim? I will go into this properly in another video). What is the solution? For Pound, Fascism is the solution. I'm not convinced... yet would agree that the problem needs to be approached, discussed etc, and that it goes on into the 21st Century in the form of central banking, and through international finance, without homegrown banks and protectionist policies being put in place en masse (although I suggest a glimmer of hope in certain of Trump's policies, and through the dissolution of the E.U).

One other outlying question exists; does the gold standard inherently guarantee that a given currency be protected from the problem of lending at interest, and the creation of debt? Pound - in the speeches - says 'no...' I say 'possibly', but agree that it's no final guarantee, and would depend on how transparent governments were willing to be in their economic policies, and how educated the average person is to problems of lending at interest. It is what it says on the tin, a 'standard', yet all that ultimately matters is that one uses a standard that all citizens are agreed on throughout any given populous so that debt culture does not expand out of it with lending.

The text of the speeches I'm using is available online here:

Eustace Mullins' 'Secrets of the Federal Reserve' (the book commissioned by Pound) is here:

Pound's 'Usura Canto':

'Ezra Pound Radio' at William Joyce's channel:


12. Ezra Pound's Speeches from Rome

THE CURSE OF CANAAN A Demonology of History by Eustace Mullins

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