
Overcoming Social Anxiety as an Introvert

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When you think deeply about your personality, are you the type of person who feels like even if you didn’t struggle with social anxiety, you’d still: need lots of time to yourself to recharge, treasure your quiet time, feel completely okay with not being the center of attention, be more of a listener than a talker? If so, you might be an introvert who also happens to struggle with social anxiety. And if that’s the case, check out this week’s video for sure.

As you’re contemplating your future and making plans to work on your social anxiety, I want you to feel completely reassured that you don’t need to completely change who you are. Overwhelming social anxiety that gets in the way of your happiness is the stuff we want to kick to the curb, not the essence of who you are. If you’re an extrovert who has social anxiety disorder, you’re all good, too. 😊

I want to be clear about two things: In the video, I talk about being an introvert OR an extrovert, but for sure these qualities exist on a scale, and most people fall somewhere between the two.

Also, I want to point out that introversion, shyness, social anxiety, being a quiet person – there is some overlap in the meaning of these concepts, but they are different. Teasing them apart can be tricky, but maybe I’ll tackle that in a future video.

After you watch, please comment below and let me know one dream you’d like to fulfill in your life - it can be big, small, medium – anything that feels important to you.

Overcoming Social Anxiety as an Introvert

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