
Is A DBA (doctorate In Business Administration) Worth The Cost?

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Absolutely, a DBA is respected. However, you have to think about the role you are going to enter into.

If you get an executive DBA or executive PhD, and you think you will get a tenure track faculty position at a major research institution, it is highly unlikely that you can. You will have to build up your research pipeline, and for the most part, it tends to be a bit easier from a major research institution.

However, if you plan on going into industry, or going into administration at a university, you will not have a problem. It is still a terminal degree, and you understand the basics of research.

Why do you feel that it is not respected? The bigger issue is that you are likely looking at programs that are costly for the benefit they give. I would highly recommend that you look at their graduates and where they are going. Then weigh whether the cost of the program is worth it, given the possible outcome.

Check out:

What Do You Learn In A PhD Program (In Business Administration)?

Why Are Doctorate of Business Administration (DBAs) Getting More Popular?

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David Maslach is a research professor of entrepreneurship, innovation, and business strategy, I discuss topics, such as behavioral science, strategy, innovation, and entrepreneurship, and apply these to my new peer proofreading and editing platform. Topics include the sharing economy, altruism, investing in technology, starting a business, and bounded rationality. My favorite videos pertain to incentives, goal setting, and learning from failure to drive behaviors such as weight loss, stopping telemarketers, creating novel technologies, and creating new movements.

https://r3ciprocity.com: Peer proofreading and editing platform

A new platform where you can earn credits by editing other people's documents. Use these credits to have your own work edited. If you do a good enough job, you can convert these credits to money.

The goal of the platform is to get people to 'pay it forward' and help other people out by creating incentives for people to give back.

Check out https://www.r3ciprocity.com

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