
Perspectives from dark space: Tamara Davis at TEDxNoosa 2014

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Tamara Davis: Astrophysicist
Bio: Astrophysicist Tamara Davis was raised on a Sydney beach, where she learned that the forces of nature powering the waves are often stronger than the swimmers immersed in them. These days, with the universe as her laboratory, she uses the stellar and galactic experiments the universe naturally performs to learn about the nature of gravity, spacetime and our fundamental laws of physics. She's amongst the most highly-cited astrophysicists in the world, and has won numerous science awards, including the Astronomical Society of Australia's medal for the young researcher with the highest international impact. Her ultimate aim is to use dark energy to make those hoverboards everybody's being demanding, because she strongly believes that science shouldn't let anybody down.

Title: Perspectives from Dark Space

Synopsis: The perspectives you learn from studying space can be profound. Sure, studying space teaches us the laws of physics but, perhaps more significantly, it teaches us about our own place in the universe and the role we play. Regardless of its practical applications, physics is like art, dance, or music — it adds to our sense of wonder and appeals to our passions. Today we invite you to be inspired by the interconnectedness of all things...

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Perspectives from dark space: Tamara Davis at TEDxNoosa 2014

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