
NordicTrack AirGlide 14i Elliptical Review: Watch Before You Buy!

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NordicTrack AirGlide 14i: https://treviewdeals.com/TR-NTAirGlide14i

Read the full review: https://www.treadmillreviews.com/nordictrack-airglide-14i-elliptical-review/

Find the best elliptical: https://www.treadmillreviews.com/best-elliptical/

The NordicTrack AirGlide 14i is a smart elliptical with 26 levels of magnetic resistance. The resistance levels range from quite easy to very difficult, so the AirGlide 14i is appropriate for beginners and experienced elliptical users. The elliptical also has incline and decline (-5% to 15%) to add a further challenge for the legs.

There are moving handles and stationary handles, so you can get a full-body workout or concentrate on the lower body. The moving handles have controls for the incline and resistance levels. The handles are comfortable but do not have as many grip options as other elliptical handles.

The pedals are large. They are cushioned and have three different angles to help you stay comfortable for the entire duration of your workout. The adjustment is easy to make; you just pull the tab and lift the pedals up or down. This design reduces foot soreness and numbness.

The NordicTrack AirGlide 14i uses iFIT on its 14-inch touchscreen display to create an immersive training experience. iFIT has trainer-led outdoor classes. Your coach will be skating, skiing, hiking, or running as they lead you through your elliptical workout.

The AirGlide 14i has smart features like Bluetooth audio and heart rate as well as front-facing speakers and Feed.FM radio to even further improve the iFIT experience. The Google Maps integration allows you to train anywhere in the world on a virtual route.

This elliptical’s dimensions are 69" L x 25" W x 71" H. It weighs 244 lbs as it is shipped. It can support a maximum user weight of 300 lbs. It has a 10-year warranty on the frame, 2 years for parts, and 1 for labor.

0:00 - NordicTrack AirGlide 14i Elliptical Review
1:54 - Elliptical Overview
4:48 - Features & Accessories
7:13 - Performance & Training
9:34 - Performance Demo
11:44 - Bottom Line

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NordicTrack AirGlide 14i Elliptical Review: Watch Before You Buy!

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