
Dr. Heyong Shen Explains "Why is The Red Book "Red"?

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Dr. Heyong Shen wrote “Why Is The Red Book ‘Red’?” in Volume 1 of _Jung's Red Book for Our Time: Searching for Soul under Postmodern Conditions_. Dr. Shen is Professor of Psychology at South China Normal University and the City University of Macao; Jungian Analyst/IAAP and Sandplay Therapist/ISST; founding President of the Chinese Federation for Analytical Psychology and Sandplay Therapy. He is the Editor in Chief of the translation of _The Collected Works of C.G. Jung_ into Chinese.

_In Memoriam_ of Dr. Thomas Arzt, who was a prime mover and Co-Editor of _Jung’s Red Book for Our Time: Searching for Soul under Postmodern Conditions_ with Dr. Murray Stein.

00:42—Introductions of our Wisdom Path Team.

03:27—Introduction of Dr. Heyong Shen

07:15—Dr. Jung’s most dangerous experiment. “The knowledge of the heart is The Way.”

08:37—Why is The Red Book “Red”?

10:40—Cary Baines on the novels of Gustav Meyrink, and The White Dominican in particular.

12:55—The Plant of Immortality.

14:15—Times of Uncertainty—then and now.

17:20—Dr. Jung integrated 1/2 of the Tao De Ching in Psychological Types, Volume 6.

18:54—Comments on the “Epilogue” of The Red Book.

20:25--Cinnabar Red was imported from China into Europe, and was very expensive.

21:37--Dr. Jung commented that Chinese Characters are like readable Archetypes.

22:20—The fine silk connection of Heaven and Earth.

25:53—Last mandala of C.G. Jung has a definite Chinese sensibility.

27:42—“16 Years of very hard personal experimentation.”

29:55 —“Liber Novus” has a meaning of heart in Chinese.

34:25—Unfinished sketch of Philemon.

35:30—“The Window to Eternity”—Painting by C.G. Jung

36:30—Discussion of “The Liverpool Dream.”

39:33—A study of the process of Individuation by Miss X, which appears in The Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious, Volume 9i of The Collected Works of C.G. Jung, ¶¶525-626.

40:22—The Soul Flower image.

42:40—According to History, China was unified in the Chin Dynasty from 7 countries, and before that it was 100 countries.

43:4—The World today has too much uncertainty. We need equilibrium.

53:15—Even Confucius learned the I Ching from Lao Tzu.

01:10:09—“There were some things that were formless yet complete that existed before Heaven and Earth.

01:14:25—Inner and Outer Alchemy; East and West.

01:16:18—Chinese Alchemy is introverted; Western Alchemy is Extroverted, but C.G. Jung wanted to bring them together.

01:17:40—Theme of the Dragon East and West.

01:23:50—One of Dr. Shen’s students, Ms. Zhu, shares a power point about the characters Dr. Shen spoke of earlier.

01:51:40—Skip’s experience in Japan regarding Chinese characters and the loss of one side of the brain from a stroke.

01:54:00—It’s a very interesting question.

02:01:30—Discussion of the Japanese character “Otoko” is the Japanese character for man.

02:04:57—Dr. Shen refers to the field as the “inner field.”

02:10:30—If you wish to participate in our discussions, please write skip.conover@gmail.com

You are encouraged to watch the remarkable 3.25 minute documentary by Digital Fusion on the making of the 2009 Folio Edition of Dr. Jung's Red Book: https://youtu.be/nIBQFSwX1UY

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