
Interviews with lawyer and brother of shoe throwing journalist

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(21 Jan 2009) SHOTLIST
Geneva, Switzerland
1. Set up of Geneva-based lawyer, Mauro Poggia walking into room and looking at papers
2. Various close-ups of dossier, documents reading: (French) "On behalf of Mr Muntadhar al-Zeidi ..... to undertake all procedures needed in Switzerland, notably a request for asylum."
3. Close-up of dossier and scanned passport of Iraqi journalist, Muntadhar al-Zeidi, who threw his shoes at former US President George W. Bush
4. Close-up of scanned copy of passport
5. SOUNDBITE (French) Mauro Poggia, Lawyer:
"This is the request signed by a close family member of Mr. Al-Zeidi, who can't of course sign the document itself, which is normally the case with people who are detained, and a scan of his passport. And I have also a scanned passport copy of the family member who signed the document."
6. Cutaway of scanned passport and dossier
7. SOUNDBITE (French) Mauro Poggia, Lawyer:
"If the person in Iraq that you've questioned does not want to admit that the mandate has been given to foreign lawyers, that person has good reasons to claim that and this certainly doesn't mean the decision (to request political asylum) hasn't been made. I don't feel authorised to put this person in danger by unveiling his or her identity. The only thing I can say is that the mandate has been signed and the person who signed the mandate can always annul it. But the request has been made."
8. Pan of scan of al-Zeidi's passport
9. Various cutaways of Poggia looking at papers
Baghdad, Iraq
10. Wide exterior of al-Zeidi's apartment building
11. Child carrying poster of al-Zeidi walking along corridor
12. Wide of child and al-Zeidi's brother, Durgham al-Zeidi, in room
13. Close-up of poster showing al Zeidi's face and text: (Arabic) "Release Muntadhar al-Zeidi"
14. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Durgham al-Zeidi, Brother of Iraqi journalist Muntadhar al-Zeidi:
"Muntadhar al-Zeidi is still in custody and he didn't meet any representatives from the International Red Cross. The lawyer who claims to be affiliated with the Red Cross in Geneva and has alleged that Muntadhar asked for political asylum through him, how can Muntadhar ask for asylum while he is still in prison and has never met with any representative committees from the International Red Cross?"
15. Various exteriors of Iraqi Lawyers Union
16. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Dhia al-Saadi, Iraqi journalist Muntadhar al-Zeidi's lawyer:
''Muntadhar al-Zeidi is now behind bars and without his freedom. To ask for political asylum you assume that a person is free to begin with. That is exactly what the defence team is working for and they are following up his issue with the Iraqi judicial authorities to reach justice in a way to ensure his release in compliance with the law.''
17. Exterior of building
A dispute broke out on Wednesday over future plans for the Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at former United States President, George W. Bush.
A Swiss lawyer said Muntadhar al-Zeidi was planning to seek political asylum in Switzerland but one of the Iraqi's brothers vehemently denied that report.
Geneva-based lawyer Mauro Poggia told The Associated Press that al-Zeidi's life is in danger as long as he stays in Iraq.
However one of the journalist's three brothers denied he wanted to leave the country.
Al-Zeidi has been detained in an Iraqi jail awaiting trial since he was seized by guards after he threw his shoes at Bush during a December 14 joint news conference in Baghdad with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.
Poggia said it was too dangerous to name the family member.

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Interviews with lawyer and brother of shoe throwing journalist

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