
Demystifying MAiD

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MAiD also known as medical assistance in dying is a procedure in which a health professional with the use of specific drugs helps an individual end their life with dignity. The procedure is usually requested by terminally ill patients who are in dire pain. When one decides to receive MAiD they can also be eligible to opt into donating their organs, which could decrease the number of individuals on the organ transplant waiting list. We hope that this video demystifies MAiD and subsequent organ donation for you, and hopefully this video can assist in eradicating stigmas surrounding MAiD as well.

This video was made by McMaster University students Sabrina Bakhramova, Aamna Ali,Matthew Bacik, and Sumairaa Ahmed in collaboration with the Demystifying Medicine McMaster Program.

We would also like to acknowledge the contributions of Dr. Takuma Isshiki, Safaa Naiel, andBrooke D’Mello, who provided guidance in the process of making this video.

#MAiD #MAiDinCanada #DemystifyingMedicine #MedicalAssistanceInDying#OrganDonation #MAiDControversy


Anderssen, E., & Walsh, M. (2023).MAID eligibility should expand to minors, patients with mental illness, report recommends. The Globe and Mail.https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-maid-eligibility-should-expand-to-minors-patients-with-mental-illness/

BC Transplant. (n.d.).Organ donation after MAiD.http://www.transplant.bc.ca/health-professionals/organ-donation-resources/organ-donation-after-maid#

Goldberg, R., Nissim, R., An, E., & Hales, S. (2019). Impact of medical assistance in dying (MAiD) on family caregivers. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care,11, 107-114. http://doi.org/10.1136/bmjspcare-2018-001686

Government of Canada. (2023).Canada’s medical assistancein dying (MAID) law.https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/cj-jp/ad-am/bk-di.htmlGovernment of Canada. (2023).

Medical assistance indying.https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/medical-assistance-dying.html

Hopper, T. (2023). First reading: All this assisted suicide has been a boon to organ donation. National Post.https://nationalpost.com/opinion/assisted-suicide-canada-organ-donation

Middleton, C. (2019). Organ donation after MAid: it's not that simple. CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association journal,191(38), 1062.https://doi.org/10.1503/cmaj.72983Schläpfer, K. (2017).

Medical Assistance in dying in Canada and in Switzerland.Swiss Canadian Chamber of Commerce. https://www.swissbiz.ca/is_article.php?articleid=47

Demystifying MAiD


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