
Bolsonaro se esquiva de responsabilidade após terrorismo bolsonarista no DF [ ISENTO ou RESPONSAVEL]

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Bolsonaro se esquiva de responsabilidade após terrorismo bolsonarista no DF [ ISENTO ou RESPONSAVEL]
Canal Politicas doi Mundo
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Hello, how are you DAN And in this channel and we will be talking about personal politics, it may seem like a boring suit, but they are relevant subjects for you in a very summarized way you can understand about the politics of your candidates and the concepts why the candidacy is happening in CNN Brasil and hot news with today's policies the latest news about their own alternative policies what happened in the elections and their political policies that involved candidates that involved news, controversies in fact, many sites are replicating UOL the events in 1st hand to all the citizens of CNN BRASIL and CNN international, there is no lack of policies and their free connection here, which reflects what the telesincers say and the pronouncements of political parties that are working more and more to help the country in the dissemination of the subject. I promise to bring you political matters soon.

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Bolsonaro se esquiva de responsabilidade após terrorismo bolsonarista no DF [ ISENTO ou RESPONSAVEL]

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