
Scientology | Wikipedia audio article

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00:01:41 1 History
00:01:49 1.1 L. Ron Hubbard
00:03:57 1.2 iExcalibur/i and Babalon Working
00:05:39 1.3 Dianetics
00:12:45 1.4 Church of Scientology
00:18:14 1.5 Hubbard in hiding, death, and aftermath
00:19:31 1.6 Splinter groups: Independent Scientology, Freezone, and Miscavige's RTC
00:21:25 2 Beliefs and practices
00:23:11 2.1 Theological doctrine
00:24:34 2.2 Reactive mind, traumatic memories, and auditing
00:29:10 2.3 Emotional Tone Scale and survival
00:30:11 2.4 Toxins and purification
00:31:05 2.5 Introspection Rundown
00:31:41 2.6 Rejection of psychology and psychiatry
00:33:12 2.7 Body and thetan
00:34:27 2.8 Space opera and the Wall of Fire
00:36:58 2.9 Ethics, suppressives, and disconnection
00:38:31 2.10 Fair game
00:39:30 2.11 Scientology ceremonies
00:40:04 2.12 The arts
00:40:42 3 Organization
00:41:05 3.1 Membership statistics
00:42:08 3.2 Sea Org
00:42:32 3.3 Rehabilitation Project Force
00:43:18 3.4 Office of Special Affairs
00:44:05 3.5 Church of Spiritual Technology
00:45:02 3.6 Franchises and advanced organizations
00:46:03 3.7 Celebrity Centers
00:47:06 3.8 Scientology tech in jails and prisons, schools, and management
00:48:38 3.9 Volunteer ministers
00:49:24 3.10 Other entities
00:50:01 4 Controversies
00:53:29 4.1 Criminal behavior
00:55:32 4.2 Organized harassment
00:57:15 4.3 Violation of auditing confidentiality
00:58:08 4.4 Shunning
00:58:37 4.5 Allegation of coerced abortions
01:02:58 4.6 Scientology, litigation, and the Internet
01:08:46 5 Disputes over legal status
01:12:16 5.1 Scientology as a religion
01:16:06 5.2 Viewed as a commercial enterprise
01:21:46 6 Scientology in religious studies
01:26:49 6.1 Hubbard's motives
01:30:45 6.2 Scientology as a UFO religion
01:32:51 6.3 Influences
01:37:20 6.4 Scientology and hypnosis
01:38:12 6.5 Etymology of "Scientology" and earlier usage
01:39:29 6.6 ARC and KRC triangles
01:40:54 6.7 Bridge to total freedom
01:42:24 7 Scientology in popular culture
01:43:58 8 See also

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"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing."
- Socrates

Scientology is a body of religious beliefs and practices launched in May 1952 by American author L. Ron Hubbard (1911–86). Hubbard initially developed a program of ideas called Dianetics, which was distributed through the Dianetics Foundation. The foundation soon entered bankruptcy, and Hubbard lost the rights to his seminal publication Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health in 1952. He then recharacterized the subject as a religion and renamed it Scientology, retaining the terminology, doctrines, the E-meter, and the practice of auditing. Within a year, he regained the rights to Dianetics and retained both subjects under the umbrella of the Church of Scientology.Hubbard describes the etymology of the word Scientology as coming from the Latin word "scio", meaning know or distinguish, and the Greek word "logos", meaning "the word or outward form by which the inward thought is expressed and made known". Hubbard writes, "thus, Scientology means knowing about knowing, or science of knowledge".Hubbard's groups have encountered considerable opposition and controversy. In January 1951, the New Jersey Board of Medical Examiners brought proceedings against Dianetics Foundation on the charge of teaching medicine without a license. Hubbard's followers engaged in a program of criminal infiltration of the U.S. government.Hubbard-inspired organizations and their classification are often a point of contention. Germany classifies Scientology groups as an "anti-constitutional sect". In France, they have been classified as a dangerous cult by some parliamentary reports.

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