
Arrested for Wearing a Just Stop Oil T-shirt | Whitehall, London | 6 May 2023 | #shorts

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Yesterday, a billionaire ascended the throne in a ceremony that cost tens of millions of pounds – but the cost to the UK was far more than that. 21 supporters of Just Stop Oil were pre-emptively arrested in the crowd – we suspect that new facial recognition technology was used. Their crime? Attempting to quietly hold a sign in protest as the royal procession passed by on The Mall and Whitehall. Instead, they were searched, handcuffed, and dragged away to spend a night in the cells.

While this is deeply shocking and upsetting, we have to look at the big picture. Only governments that have lost the support of the public resort to crackdowns on protest; local election results show that the Tory party is on the edge of total collapse.

♻ Please consider donating 1 hour's wage every month: https://juststopoil.org/donate/

🎦 Join a National Zoom Session: https://juststopoil.org/zoom

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Carry on emitting today and hope at some future date huge carbon sucking technology will solve the problem. Yet we know carbon is killing today, and global emissions are still rising.

Oil is more valuable than our culture, our heritage, our bodies. More valuable than the beautiful web of life on earth, more valuable than home.


'We're Not Protesting about a Billionaire Wearing a New Shiny Hat' | #coronation #shorts

@metpolice_uk display Aggression towards NonViolent & Legal Protests | 31 May 2023 | Just Stop Oil

'We were Arrested for having T-Shirts and Flags' | ITV News | 6 May 2023 | Just Stop Oil

Arrested for Wearing a Just Stop Oil T-shirt | Whitehall, London | 6 May 2023 | #shorts

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