
Awaken Avatar Level Consciousness & Overcome Blocks to Spiritual Awakening (Spiritual Bypassing)

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Want to step into and awaken avatar level consciousness and avoid spiritual bypassing? I dive into the importance of attaining avatar level consciousness and how to overcome the blocks to spiritual awakening.

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The theme that you will continuously run into during a spiritual awakening is viewing other people’s beliefs as dangerous. We cannot truly evolve into our full capacity which is avatar level consciousness if we have only embodied a portion of the spectrum to our being. If remaining in denial and passive could manifest anything positive, I would be the first one to shout it from the rooftops, unfortunately not only is this not how we awaken avatar level consciousness or create reality, this is called spiritual bypassing and it’s a big faux pas if you're looking to awaken spiritually.

In all honesty, this topic of spiritual bypassing is a perplexing creature because so many people can know about the dangers of spiritual bypassing regarding inner work, but aren’t aware they are spiritual bypassing when they immediately deny the deeper elements of deception on the world stage.

The moment you can’t be pulled into any dichotomy, whether it’s positive or negative, mind over emotions, the left/right political puppet show, two sock puppets on the same beast designed to maneuver us back into the matrix, you’re starting to truly embody what spiritual sovereignty is, and reaching avatar level consciousness.

If avatar level consciousness has the power to alter the frequency of this planet, you can imagine the lengths one would go to, to ensure that your body/mind stays divided, conflicted and in whatever level of programming it’s currently in. The extent of the different types of aversions are countless, so I’ll just be covering a few different ones that can keep us from stepping into avatar level consciousness. We can have an aversion to being in your full avatar level consciousness if we still have religious programming.

Avatar level consciousness has integrated the positive aspects of reality and the negative aspects of reality. They are not in denial of either. They have a high level of discernment which makes them able to see nuance. They can also hold multiple perspectives at once, which can be confusing at first being able to see another’s perspective or even a cosmic perspective and beyond. This is the level of consciousness many people on earth are currently stepping into and learning how to operate from.

Truth is consciousness and consciousness is love. The universe only cares about one thing and that is making us conscious. That’s it’s way of saying I love you.

I hope this has helped your journey in some capacity. Make sure to subscribe to my channel for more higher dimensional guidance through spiritual awakenings. See you next time.

Cover Art by: Mear One https://mearone.com
Featured Artists: Marcos Alvarado, Alyssa Strasser, Artxman, Mear One

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Awaken Avatar Level Consciousness & Overcome Blocks to Spiritual Awakening (Spiritual Bypassing)

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