
Distinction Between Placebo and Nocebo: What is a Placebo Effect and is Nocebo just as Powerful

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What is a Placebo Effect? Is there a distinction between Placebo and Nocebo and is Nocebo just as powerful? Psychological factors such as optimism, suggestibility, empathy and neuroticism have been linked to placebo effects, while pessimism, anxiety and catastrophizing have been associated to nocebo effects. Depression is a highly placebo-responsive condition: mean placebo response rates in antidepressant clinical trials are 30% to 40%. That means every third person or more. Just via belief, via expectations, through thinking. 30-40%. Think about that.

Nocebo a word that in Latin means "I will harm"
Placebo a word that in Latin means "I will please"

#placebo #nocebo #powerofsuggestion

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Distinction Between Placebo and Nocebo: What is a Placebo Effect and is Nocebo just as Powerful

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