
Science and Christianity - Enemies or Allies? | Jeffrey Zweerink | TEDxGlendoraHighSchool

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What if science and religion can peacefully coexist? Dr. Jeffrey Zweerink connects fascinating biblical points to modern day science to illustrate that Christianity and science can be allies.

Dr. Jeffrey Zweerink is an astrophysicist and research scholar for Reasons to Believe (RTB), a ministry devoted to narrow the gap between religion and science. Since early childhood, both religion and science have played a big role in Jeff's life - yet he was conflicted by the seemingly opposing natures of these two fields. It was Hugh Ross, founder of RTB, who introduced Jeff to this idea of aligning religion and science while Jeff was attending Iowa State University. Today, Jeff serves as the executive director of RTB's online learning program.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx

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