
Dispelling the Myths Behind Agoraphobia

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This video breaks down what agoraphobia truly is, beyond its representation in the popular media. It dives into the causal factor behind its manifestation as well as how it manifests in the daily lives of those who have the condition.

This video was made by McMaster students Aimun Shah, Alaanah Bhanji, Andrew Canete, & Peter Kao in collaboration with the McMaster Demystifying Medicine Program

If you are unsure if you have an agoraphobia or have mental health concerns, please consult a health care professional to seek treatment.

Copyright McMaster University 2021.

Additional resources if you wish to learn more about agoraphobia:

This video titled “Agoraphobia | DSM-5 Diagnosis, Symptoms and Treatment” by JJ Medicine covers more in-depth, the diagnostic criteria of agoraphobia, as well as psychological and pharmacological treatment options for the condition.


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Dispelling the Myths Behind Agoraphobia

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