
Strongest Defence Ever! (*IMPENETRABLE*) | arras.io

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this was the strongest possible defence at the time, but now with assembler(new tank) u could make even stronger bases.

But using purely 2 or 4 sidewinders in ffa maze or squads or duos is not the strongest or fun option. Combinations like sidewinder + annihilator in maze duos means u need to be constantly active with the annihilator but its stronger than just 2 sidewinders. Using sidewinder + overgunner instead would be slightly weaker but means u can gain lots of score with the overgunner and its fun. Similar theory with maze squads, just more combination possibilities

do note these are NEAR impenetrable, not 100% impenetrable.
2 squads of 4 factories (8x6=48 drones) attacking well would take any maze base squad down



1) Last Summer - by Aylex
Source: https://freetouse.com/music/
Royalty Free Background Music
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYhMI_nf-qo

2) Olympus - Music by Whitesand
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neriAaWzMsM
Bandcamp: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbi02QVZyZ29oTm1idkEyc2F1ZG1DbDhwZlhSZ3xBQ3Jtc0ttblZ6NjlDaVBDeGtJWDFhR1NrY3dPeVR4d1JmS2ZFWElmbHhab2pfVXp1N2pPOWJvX3VTUy1ESnAtMHY2bFZjR2J1Z1VmaVp6SzdaR1VmaXNFQWotRmVwc3BKaUg0RGJuWW9JbjBGdHpOWmo2SG5VTQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwhitesand.bandcamp.com%2F&v=neriAaWzMsM
Spotify: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDJCekdWQ2VmWXN2cjMzaGZUbVlJS0dpcGVxUXxBQ3Jtc0tsSVlsS1NSWDZaOWwwY3VFVzE5S1N1ZThqOUlBb2d3d2pNZ1UxM2dDR1ZzWWktTHVvMFRVY2cxdnhCcTBtSXVZb0ZjMXhzMDNNYW5HQ0swTDA2cGdLem5oTGNQS1RUVlpjeEFsYmU0aDNtXzlNRzJsNA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fopen.spotify.com%2Fartist%2F3GXunV3wsCpSdKp0L5tcNH&v=neriAaWzMsM


0:00 None Of Them Broke Through.
0:11 Why Make The "Strongest Defence Ever"?
0:46 Step 1: Strongest Bullet = Strongest Defence
1:20 Step 2: Which Tank Is AFK Proof?
1:48 Step 3: Learn How To Multi-box
2:24 Step 4: I Want More Kills!
4:12 Step 5: Me +Me + Friend = 3X Firepower.
6:07 Step 6: Strong Defence Just Got Even Stronger
6:55 Step 7: Strongest Defence Ever... ACHIEVED!
8:40 Part 8: Trolling With Sidewinders (–__–)

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