
RecSys 2016: Tutorial on People Recommendation

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Ido Guy, Luiz Pizzato
People recommenders have become a rich research area within the broad recommender systems community and social recommender systems in particular. From "people you may know" and "who to follow" widgets, through people introduction at conferences, job recommendations and job-candidate search, to dating partner matchmakers, people recommendations proliferate. This tutorial will present an overview of the people recommender systems domain. We will present the different types and use cases of people recommendations, the special techniques used to recommend people to themselves, key research work, and open challenges.

RecSys 2016: Tutorial on People Recommendation

RecSys 2016: Tutorial on Group Recommender Systems

RecSys 2016: Paper Session 7 - Behaviorism is Not Enough: Better Recommendations

RecSys 2016: Paper Session 2 - Field Aware Factorization Machines for CTR Prediction

RecSys 2016: Paper Session 7 - Algorithms Aside: Recommendation As The Lens Of Life

RecSys 2016: Paper Session 3 - Ask the GRU: Multi-task Learning for Deep Text Recommendations

RecSys 2016: Paper Session 1 - A Coverage-Based Approach to Recommendation

RecSys 2016: Paper Session 4 - ExpLOD: A Framework for Explaining Recommendations

RecSys 2016: Paper Session 1 - Adaptive, Personalized Diversity for Visual Discovery

RecSys 2016: Paper Session 9 - MAPS: A Multi Aspect Personalized POI Recommender System

RecSys 2016: Paper Session 4 - HCI for Recommender Systems: the Past, the Present and the Future

RecSys 2016: Paper Session 1 - Contrasting Offline and Online Results when Evaluating Recommendation

RecSys 2016: Paper Session 5 - Mechanism Design for Personalized Recommender Systems

RecSys 2016: Paper Session 3 - Latent Factor Representations for Cold-Start Video Recommendation

RecSys 2016: Paper Session 7 - Past, Present, & Future of Recommender Systems: Industry Perspective

RecSys 2016: Paper Session 7 - Recommender Systems With Personality

RecSys 2016: Paper Session 6 - Deep Neural Networks for YouTube Recommendations

RecSys 2016: Paper Session 10 - Guided Walk: A Scalable Recommendation Algorithm for Social Networks

RecSys 2016: Paper Session 3 - Addressing Cold Start for Next-song Recommendation

RecSys 2016: Paper Session 2 - Factorization Meets Item Embedding

RecSys 2016: Paper Session 4 - Pairwise Preferences Based Matrix Factorization

RecSys 2016: Paper Session 6 - Optimizing Similar Item Recommendations

RecSys 2016: Paper Session 8 - Convolutional Matrix Factorization for Context-Aware Recommendation

RecSys 2016: Paper Session1 - Recommender Systems Self Actualization

RecSys 2016: Paper Session 1 - Intent-Aware Diversification Using a Constrained PLSA

RecSys 2016: Paper Session 11 - Bayesian Personalized Ranking with Multi-Channel User Feedback

RecSys 2016: Paper Session 9 - Modelling Contextual Information in Session-Aware Recommender Systems

RecSys 2016: Paper Session 4 - Observing Group Decision Making Processes

RecSys 2016: Paper Session 10 - Recommending New Items to Ephemeral Groups

RecSys 2016: Keynote - Personalization for Google Now

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