
(和太鼓&津軽三味線コラボ)Taiko master Hiro Hayashida & ZI-PANG performing with Noriko (Shamisen) in Australia.

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プロフェッショナル和太鼓グループ、林田ひろゆきさんとZI-PANGのオーストラリア・メルボルン来訪に伴ってNorthcote Social Clubにて開催されたライブの一部内容です。

Performed at Northcote Social Club in Melbourne 2018 when professional Wadaiko group Hiro Hayashida and ZI-PANG visited Australia.

1st song: Improvisation piece/ 即興曲 performed by Hiro Hayashida and Noriko Tadano.
2nd song: Vertigo/めまい composed by Noriko Tadano.
Performed by Hiro Hayashida and ZI-PANG (Taiko), Sayako Nakagawa (Keyboard), Noriko Tadano (Tsugaru Shamisen).

Filmed by Jenny Chiu

★ 林田ひろゆき・プロフィール ★
2000年からは、現在の『samurai music ZI-PANG』を総合プロデュースし、これまでの太鼓界にはない、太鼓と音楽の融合は多くの団体にも影響を与え続けている。また、全国の若手和太鼓奏者を集めてプロデュースした『スーパー太鼓ジュニア』を立ち上げ、若手の育成にも努め、和太鼓界と日本の文化の発展にも貢献している。

(Profile: Hiro Hayashida)
Born in Nagasaki and was an active member of internationally-renowned taiko group, KODO, for seven years from 1985 and performed on more than 800 stages all over the world. Became a solo player in 1991 and was a member of Takio Ito (most famous Minyo singer in Japan) and TAKIO BAND for two years.

Hayashida is an excellent player as well as a composer and producer. He is an artist who has the musical ability to create compositions that are very difficult to find in the taiko world. He, especially has the rare ability to produce musical taiko ensembles that is one-of-kind in this genre of music.

Hayashida was invited to play at various international events such as the WTO Show in Singapore, Japan Week ’97 in the Netherlands, Expo 2000 in Hanover, the closing ceremony of the FIFA World Cup in France, 50th Anniversary Concert of Doudou N’Diaye Rose UNESCO’s World Heritage and a leading African percussionist in Senegal. He has also done a lot of work in Japan including composing, arranging and directing taiko scenes in works by renowned theatrical writer, Soh Kuramoto, The Convoy Show and Takeshi Kitano’s movie, Zatoichi. In 2004, he was invited to play with his group, ZI-PANG, at the Award Ceremony of the Japanese Academy Award. In 2008 he produced the opening and closing ceremonies of the Short Short Film Festival and was highly praised by Amon Miyamoto. And the Taiko Entertainment "Hiroyuki Hayashida and ZI-PANG" was produced synthetically. With his unique ability and technique, he has received recognition in Japan as well.

★ ZI-PANG・プロフィール  ★
(Profile: ZI-PZNG)
Borderless sound that Hayashida creates has an essence of jazz, rock and pops. Taiko, keyboard, bass, horn section… ZI-PANG’s sound is expressed in all kinds of styles and are very well received in Japan as well as all over the world. ZI-PANG’s Central and South America Tour in 2005 and 2006 brought a lot of excitement to enthusiastic Latino audience as well as local media. ZI-PANG’s stage has rhythmical sound, overwhelming sound and incredible technique that breaks the concept of taiko and enhance audience. They perform in Japan and overseas to provide opportunities for people all over the world to experience the world of taiko. They also do workshops and actively participate in cultural activities such as performances at schools.

♫ Samurai Music ZI-PANG・公式ウェブサイト ♫

(Noriko Tadano)
Noriko Tadano is an award-winning, virtuoso master of the Japanese shamisen (a 3-string, banjo-like instrument) and a traditional Japanese vocalist, who has performed all over the world. She has been playing shamisen since she was 6 years old and performs both as a soloist, as well as in collaborations. Noriko's ability and drive to cross over between traditional and modern Japanese music has recently seen her perform with renowned world musicians as well as traditional Japanese artists.

6 歳より三味線を習い始める。日本語教師のアシスタント・プログラムの一環でメルボルンへ。オーストラリアの人々に日本文化を知ってほしいという思いから、三味線をパフォーマンスするようになる。路上ライブから様々なフェスティバルやコンサートなどに出演し、またブルースなど他のジャンルの音楽や楽器ともコラボレーションをするなど精力的に活動中。
2009 年、2011 年とシドニーのオペラハウスで演奏する。オーストラリア国内で数々の TV 番組に出演し、2012 年にはオーストラリアで人気番組の ’Australia's Got Talent’ に上川ジョージ氏と出演しファイナリストとなる。オーストラリアのみならず他国(日本、ドイツ、フィジー、トンガ、ニュージーランド、カナダ等)での活動も行っている。


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(和太鼓&津軽三味線コラボ)Taiko master Hiro Hayashida & ZI-PANG performing with Noriko (Shamisen) in Australia.

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