
12 Incredible and Unexpected Finds

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From strange out-of-this-world objects to secret underground cities here are 10 incredible and unexpected finds.

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12. The Lost Rocket From the Soyuz 57 Mission
Space expeditions are often meticulously planned so as to avoid any potential issues and unnecessary human and financial cost. Soyuz 57 mission was, unfortunately, one such failed experiment.
After the rocket was launched, a malfunction happened, and although human lives were preserved, the rocket in question was considered lost.

11. Mysterious “Glass” Object From Outer Space
Deep in the taiga on the steep bank of Met-ly-ak-ov-ka River, three men who were going peacefully about their day and enjoying fresh air stumbled upon what seemed like a precious stone. The stone would change its color from green to blue, to even orange in different lights.

10. Glyptodon Shell
Not many people come across a 10, 000 year-old shell of an ancient creature known as glyptodont, but that’s exactly what happened to a group of fishermen on the banks of the Alegre creek in Argentina in 2019.

9. The Antikythera Mechanism
Dubbed “an ancient Greek computer”, this sophisticated technological wonder was first uncovered when three flat pieces of bronze reached the surface from a wrecked ship in Antikythera from 1900 to 1901.

8. 540 million year old brain
Tracing the origins of what would make complex machinery of the modern human brain through archeological discoveries was always going to be an exciting endeavor. These finds don’t happen on a daily basis, especially not accidentally, but that’s what happened in 2015.

7. Baby skeleton with two heads
Sometime in 2011, a bizarre image of a baby skeleton with two heads began to circulate the internet, leading many self described web detectives to endlessly speculate about what the image meant and who the baby (or babies) was.

6. Palatial Roman Villa in the Backyard
Luke Irwin, a rug maker who had recently bought a house in Wiltshire, England with his family, decided to remodel the barn into a ping-pong room. What him and hired electricians found while trying to install lighting left them speechless.

5. Derinkuyu Underground City
The story behind this massive subterranean complex and its discovery in Turkey resembles a detailed and carefully plotted surrealist movie. This underground “city”, which once housed about 20,000 people, was constructed with surprisingly innovative building choices around the 7th or 8th century BCE.

4. Hobbit-like skeletons
Number 4 spot on this list will certainly intrigue and delight many Tolkien fans. Back in October 2004, a group of researchers stumbled upon the remains of an ancient Hobbit-like species previously unknown to science, now known as Homo floresiensis.

3. 5300-year-old Mummy
Otzi the Tyrolean Iceman, sometimes referred to as the 5300-year-old Mummy, is a strange puzzle that had, since it was first discovered in 1991, provided many clues as to how then-existing humans might have lived, hunted, consumed food, and constructed weapons during the Copper Age.

2. Lascaux Cave Paintings
It must’ve been a mesmerizing experience for the 18-year-old Marcel Ravidat when he chanced upon the entrance to a bona fide cave-gallery Lascaux, filled with stunning paintings mostly from the Upper Paleolithic era in 1940.

1. The Baltic Sea Anomaly
Atop of our list of the most incredible and unexpected finds comes this infinitely obscure object hidden away 300 feet below the surface of the Baltic sea.

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12 Incredible and Unexpected Finds

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