
Do you need to FIX pronation when you run?

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Is pronation something you should fix when you run?
There are people who think this movement is BAD and needs to be corrected.

However, should you really freak out if you see it occuring when someone runs?

Not really.

Pronation is a normal motion that occurs in the running cycle.

You can see as you watch the world class athletes in the video.

And you can also see this to be the case when looking at data on running kinematics. (Quan et al. 2021)

And there is a purpose to the foot pronating....

1️⃣It spreads the foot out to to help absorb the impact as the foot hits the ground.

2️⃣ It loads up certain structures of the foot.

By doing so, this allows for energy storage, which is potential energy that can be utilized during the propulsion phase to help the foot spring forward!

So when you see pronation... do not freak out.

It actually may be helping you run.
This is for educational purposes and should not replace medical advice. If you are dealing with persistent running related injuries, I recommend seeing a healthcare professional.

Do you need to FIX pronation when you run?

How much does foot pronation really matter as a runner?

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