
If Your Man Lies to You, Watch This Video

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In this video, you will learn the most common reasons why men lie to the women they love. So if you’ve been lied to by a man you care about and find it difficult to understand why he did it or why he continues to lie, then this is the video for you.

Everyone knows that being dishonest and lying to your partner is a surefire way to ruin your relationship. So, why do people do it? Why do people tell lies and risk breaking your trust and the relationship.. Before I tell you the reasons why men lie to you, I need to explain that fundamentally, there are only two kinds of lies… self-serving lies and kind hearted lies.

And as you might imagine the most common kind of lie is a Self-serving lie. These are lies that people tell to either promote themselves (as in making themselves look better) or to protect themselves (as in avoiding blame or punishment or otherwise to save themselves from getting hurt). For example, a man might lie about or exaggerate his accomplishments or what he has in order to make himself look better. Or, a man might lie to deny that he did something bad or embarrassing. Whatever the case, the lie is self-serving, right?

Far less common are Kind-hearted lies or lies that are told with the intent of making another person look better or feel better, or to spare them from embarrassment. For example, a person might lie and tell you they really liked a meal you made them, even though they really didn’t. The lie was told to spare you from having your feelings hurt.

Well first, it’s important to recognize that The act of lying, especially if the person gets away with it, has a built-in mechanism for repetition. Often the second lie follows soon, because it may be necessary as some cover-up for the first lie. Plus, the ease with which a lie can be applied as a problem-solving tool is too seductive to resist. Once its usefulness has been experienced, the temptation of repeated application as needed is too powerful.

And secondly, when lying is Well practiced and skillfully applied, it takes on the semblance of a sport. Each successfully applied lie will reinforce the act of lying and its continuation. So it’s a dangerous road to go down and may be a hard habit to break.

I’m Dr Antonio Borrello, and I’m a psychologist and relationship coach. This channel is all about helping you build great relationships so you can grow happy with the people you love. So, if you’re interested in dating advice and relationship advice that is focused on making your love life the best part of your life, start now by subscribing here.


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