
別れの予感 Teresa Teng -テレサ・テンWakare no Yokan - CC English

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別れの予感 Teresa Teng - Wakare no Yokan
Foreboding of Separation

Things are so painful that I’m going to burst into tears.
Don’t go anywhere, hold your breath and stay by my side.
If you were to take my heart from my body,
I want to show you the feelings that remain in my chest.
Tell me the reasons that things make me so sad.
You can still touch me.
That's all I have left to believe in.
Deeper than the ocean,
Bluer than the sky,
I love you much more than this.
There is nothing more that I can do.

I wouldn’t worry if I were a little more beautiful.
Only me, I want you to gaze only at me.
If my life can be complete, in replacement for my sorrow,
I only need you to remain in my life.
Teach me how to live.
You say to just leave things alone.
To follow along anyway, that’s all.
Deeper than the ocean,
Bluer than the sky,
I love you much more than this.
There is nothing more that I can do.
--English Translation by Shinji Egawa

別れの予感 /テレサ・テン(鄧麗君)


鄧麗君 テレサ・テン Teresa Teng 別れの予感 (Wakare no Yokan) A Premonition of Parting

鄧麗君 テレサ・テンTeresa Teng 別れの予感 Wakare no Yokan (Premonition Of Parting)

Teresa Teng - Wakare no Yokan - English Translation テレサ・テン- 別れの予感

別れの予感 Teresa Teng -テレサ・テンWakare no Yokan - CC English


別れの予感 Wakare no Yokan, Teresa Teng

1987. 06 テレサ・テン 鄧麗君 - 別れの予感(襟曲)Full

別れの予感 テレサ・テン

【1080P】邓丽君-別れの予感 1988.10.18「にっぽんの歌」

Japanese song : 別れの予感 Wakare no Yokan , Teresa Teng

別れの予感 - Wakare No Yokan 💖 Teresa Teng (鄧麗君)

Teresa Teng - Wakare no Yokan (1987) [ original version ]

别れの予感(別離的預感)---鄧麗君 Teresa Teng テレサ・テン日文演唱會歌曲(懷念經典日文動聽老歌回味!請戴上耳機!)


Teresa Teng - Wakare no Yokan テレサ・テン 别れの予感

別れの予感 テレサテン Teresa Teng 鄧麗君


Wakareno Yokan~Receio de Separação~Teresa Teng ~legenda em português



鄧麗君テレサ.テン - 別れの予感 MP3 320K 音質保證

别れの予感 テレサ・テン 歌詞

Wakare No Asa

Teresa Teng - Wakare No Yokan

Wakareno Yokan - 別れの予感

テレサ・テン / 時の流れに身をまかせ~別れの予感


テレサ・テン Teresa Teng - 別れの予感 (1987)

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