
Tony Chestnut - Movements with Body Part Names - Tony Chestnut - Click Show More

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Students should enjoy the movements involved in this song which names many body parts. They can sing along with Dr. Jean as they complete the exercises encouraged by the lyrics.

Teachers might want to use this video to transition into a "quiet time" in the classroom.

When children move, dance, and wiggle, more senses are activated and the message is more likely to get to the brain. Music and movement also emit endorphins which make you happy. These activities are great for cardio, eye-hand coordination, flexibility, strength, and children's BRAINS! Children will also develop body spatial awareness, cooperation, self-control, social skills, and they will learn to listen and follow directions. It feels good to feel good, and when children feel good their behavior improves! See more at drjean.org

Kids, parents and teachers could improve learning by singing every day in class and at home.

Here are the top ten reasons to SING every day!

1. When you sing your brain emits endorphins, and endorphins make you happy! Emotions are critical to learning.

2. Music is multi-sensory. The more senses you get going to the brain, the more likely the message will get there.

3. Music is powerful for prior-learning. If children are exposed to concepts while singing, it is easier for them to learn when formally introduced.

4. Music nurtures phonemic awareness (alliteration, rhyme, etc.).

5. Songs and chants are a natural way to develop oral language and auditory memory.

6. Poems and songs lay a foundation for fluency and enhance short term memory.

7. Children are able to use their imaginations and create pictures in their brains when they sing. This is an important part of reading comprehension.

8. Repetition is a key to learning. It is much more fun to repeat songs than worksheets!

9. Singing and dancing relieve stress and oxygenate the brain.

10. Through music and movement ALL children can feel successful. A “community of learners” is enhanced when teachers and children enjoy something together!

There was a study that was reported on National Public Radio called “Alive Inside.” In the research study they made iPods of songs that had a special significance to patients suffering from dementia and Alzheimer’s. These patients didn’t recognize family members, but when they heard the music they tapped their feet, sang the words, and smiled! So many things that we do in our classrooms will be forgotten, but the songs will be stored in children’s brains for a lifetime! What a privilege to be able to do this!

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Rise and Shine

A B C Kick Box by Dr Jean

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I Know a Scientist by Dr. Jean

Tony Chestnut - Movements with Body Part Names - Tony Chestnut - Click Show More

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Day 02 July PD with Dr. Jean - Letter Bears

Feeling Fine by Dr Jean

Twink a Link by Dr Jean

Zoo Movements by Dr. Jean

It's All Good

Katalina Matalina by Dr. Jean

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Special Stars by Dr Jean

Way We Exercise With Dr. Jean

My Flag - A Patriotic Song - My Flag

Jump Up, Turn Around, Cross the Midline

Hand Jive by Dr Jean

Wiggle Willie - Also available with ASL

Dr. Jean's Banana Dance - (aka The Guacamole Song) - Dr. Jean's Banana Dance

Fall Jokes and Riddles Narrated by Dr. Jean - Check description for free download - Silent link

Dr Jean Performs My Mother Is a Baker

Macarena Bones with Dr. Jean - Click Show More for links to free downloads in Description

Couch Potato Pokey with Dr Jean (English)

Dr Jean First Twelve Days of School

Holiday Alphabet by Dr. Jean

Going on a Picnic with Dr. Jean

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