
4/21/17 Grand Rounds: SCIENCE NOW-Research Updates from Dr. Vincent Cryns and Dr. Caitlin Pepperell

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The SCIENCE NOW format for the University of Wisconsin Department of Medicine provides back-to-back lectures by department faculty members who are currently accepting trainees into their research programs. Vincent Cryns, MD, Professor and Head, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, presents a talk entitled “Food as Precision Medicine.” Caitlin Pepperell, MD, Assistant Professor, Division of Infectious Disease, presents a talk entitled "Diagnosing an 800-Year-Old Infection Using Bacterial Fossils.” Both are faculty members in the Department of Medicine at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

University of Wisconsin Department of Medicine Grand Rounds are presented throughout the academic year and are intended for health care professionals and medical researchers. Unless otherwise indicated, Grand Rounds occurs in the William S. Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospital auditorium, Room A1028, Madison, Wisconsin. All faculty and staff are invited and encouraged to attend. For more information on the Grand Rounds lecture series, visit http://www.medicine.wisc.edu/dom/medicine-grand-rounds

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4/21/17 Grand Rounds: SCIENCE NOW-Research Updates from Dr. Vincent Cryns and Dr. Caitlin Pepperell

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